[Old] The First Stunt

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Hell's extermination was a couple of days away and I could already see on Voxstagram that people were preparing for it. I know that my dad would protect us from the exterminators if they tried to go after us but I was still dreading it. Today though, I was anxious for a whole different reason. The nobles have been called to the royal palace to witness the trial of a noble who apparently fucked up in the human world and I could hear my parents pacing around the mansion as they were preparing to go.

"Stella, Our carriage has arrived! Are you almost done?" Screamed my dad from the entrance. To which my mother answered. "Give me a damn minute!"

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and went out of my room to talk with my dad. "Hey dad you, you got a minute?" I hesitantly asked. He turned around looking anxiously at his phone.

"Of course my Owlette but c-" He then looked up at me. "Oh my, would you look at you! You look absolutely incredible!" I blushed and started twirling a strand of my hair.

 "Oh my, would you look at you! You look absolutely incredible!" I blushed and started twirling a strand of my hair

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[Artist: astrallyyyy, Site:Twitter]

"What's the occasion Via?" He asked clearly confused that I wasn't in my usual goth clothes. I started twirling harder as I got increasingly nervous. "W-well y'see, I was thinking that maybe I could come with you guys at the trial." He then frowned worriedly.

"Now you know that I don't want you there. The royal court is an unforgiving place and certainly not one for a young lady such as yourself. Lucifer himself is there you know?"

I got a bit mad at that. "Dad! I'm eighteen now! I'm old enough for a lot of stuff, why not the court?"

He hesitated. "Look Via, the royal court is only called upon for people who break the very few but extremely important rules."

I had to cut in. "There are rules? In Hell?"

"Of course there are! Without them, Hell would be uncontrollably chaotic!"

I gave him a deadpan look. "More than it already is?"

He just gave me a small pat on my shoulder. "You have no idea." I wasn't going to just give up though.

"That doesn't change the fact that one way or another, I'm going to have to go to one of these trials one day so why not start now?" He was about to rebut when mom came in.

"Just let her come Stollas we're going to be late. You look good Octavia, better than those brooding clothes you usually wear." She added at the end smiling at me as she went ahead. He gave up and accepted then we were off to the hearing.

"It's called goth." I grumbled to myself.


This was the first time that I've ever been to the royal palace. It looked big already from afar but to see it up close really makes you realize how big it is. I wanted to take pictures for my Voxstragram but I don't think that it's a great idea considering the status of the people around here. My parents greeted a few before we headed inside. Another thing that I didn't expect was that the trial was taking place in some kind of throne room.

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