[Old] Consequences

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Damn it, damn it, damn it! Why did I do that? Now dad is mad at y/n because of me. As soon as I closed the door I leaned back against it, sliding down towards the floor. I didn't really care that the Goetia were looking at me awkwardly. That... GIRL that was stealing my brother's attention was the first to speak.

"Is everything alright your highness?" Ok, calm down Charlie, you can't lose your cool now. Octavia, her name's Octavia. I stood up and tried to give my best smile.

"Yes, everything is fine." I then snapped my fingers and made a portal appear which showed the entrance of y/n's palace part.

"This will take you to y/n's place. I will be joining you shortly." The mother entered first with a strange amount of excitement and would have been followed by her husband had their daughter not asked.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you gonna do?" Ok, the way she subtly tilted her head as she asked that was really cute. I understand why she got y/n's attention. Him and his big brother's instinct I swear.

Before I could answer, her parents and I shivered in dread as we felt powerful angelic magic coming from the throne room. Strangely the young Goetia seemed to only shiver slightly. This was followed by the sound of a powerful magic spell hitting... my brother most likely... damn it. My father's voice could be heard through the door.

"You disappoint me y/n. I thought I told you to stay hidden! You disobeyed my orders!" We heard a grunt of effort.

"Father, I-" y/n was interrupted by what felt like another shot from my father.

"After that stunt you pulled today, you do not deserve to address me in such a manner." Another grunt.

"My king, forgive me but I believe that this is the best course of action for the princess' plans." Another shot was heard.

"I did not raise you to believe, but to obey!" Based on the sound, I'm going to assume that dad sat down on his throne.

"Go on, explain yourself." I could hear my brother painfully try to raise himself.

"As you know she renovated one of your properties into a hotel since she aspires to rehabilitate sinners." Dad scoffed.

"A foolish idea but she'll discover that soon enough." Octavia whispered to me.

"You're trying to do what now?" I shushed her. "Not now." Looking back towards the owl demons, I could see that they too were interested in my family's 'discussion'. Y/n continued but seemed to be having trouble with his breath.

"I... don't... kn-now if." Dad hit the armrest of the throne. "Heal that damn lung already!" We all silently gasped and the Owl girl had tears in her eyes. Yet the two parents gave each other a look of slight skepticism.

"Thank you my king. As I was saying, I don't know if redemption is possible but I'd like to at least believe that if anyone can make it, it's her." Dad groaned but let brother continue.

"However the citizens of hell will not see the same way. If anything, they will most likely ridicule her. Which is why I believe that if I can divide the media's attention between her project and my public appearances, maybe she could be taken even a little bit more seriously." Oh big brother, if I could, I'd jump in your arms right now. My dad stood up and walked towards him.

"You wish to aid her in her foolishness?" Y/n immediately answered "I do." There was a moment of silence.

"Very well, but know that this disobedience will not go unpunished." Dad shot y/n again. "As of today, you are disowned from this family." What? No, no ,no! Lord Goetia couldn't help but ask. "Is this really happening?" I wish it didn't. Dad wasn't finished though. "This makes Charlie the new heir to my throne. However, should her idea of redemption actually succeed, you will be reinstated. Should she give up though. She will permanently become the heir. I believe we both understand what I meant by that." The familiar sound of the fire used to make demonic deals could be heard. "Do I make myself clear?" Dad ended on which was followed by the sound of an accepted deal. "No..." Was surprisingly what we all said at the same time.

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