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--Rin POV--

before going home, I decided to go for a walk around the village. Until I saw kakashi, I decided to get closer and found him crying. I knew he wasn't well.

I went closer as he sat on the bench

--kakashi POV--

Why? why do I like him instead of someone else?

???: kakashi!

I heard someone call my name, and I recognized it. it was rin. So I wiped my tears and looked at her.

rin: I knew you weren't well! why are you crying!?

kakashi: I wasn't crying!-I said getting up and stood next to her

rin: kakashi, what's wrong? you can tell me.

kakashi: it is none of your business! and you need to go home. - I said, running away.

--obito POV--

was I too hard on kakashi?

rin told me about kakashi not being on the right mind these days. I hadn't noticed... well not until now. before kakashi left, he looks sad. normally when I mock him, he would make a comeback, did I hurt him? well, it is kakashi, so I find that hard to happen.

I was walking through the village until I saw rin standing and looking at the ground.

obito: hey rin-chan!

she looked back and looked sad

obito: what is it rin-chan?

rin: did something happen after I left?

at that time I was nervous, what made rin-chan suspect something is wrong?

obito: why?

rin: earlier I called kakashi over to talk before we ate ramen...-shit I feel like an idiot I thought she was going to say she likes kakashi.

rin: we talked and we picked up a subject that made me think...

obito: what is it?

rin: do you care for kakashi?

obito: well.... we do get into fights quite often, but he is still my friend.

rin: he said that if we cared about him, then if there is once where you have cared for him.

why would he ask that, does he doubt our friendship?

rin: did something happen after I left?

I swallowed a dry one

obito: well... me and Kakashi had an argument, I think I might have said some bad things

rin: what did you do?

I'm not gonna tell her that I like her I am just gonna tell her the words.

----after telling----

rin: OBITO! that is why I found him crying!

obito: c-crying?

now I feel terrible, I realized he was sad instead of mad, and not only that I was the one that made him cry.

Rin: you are going to apologize to him tomorrow

obito: do I apologize to him?

rin: YEAH, or do you not care for his feelings?

obito: no, that's not it Rin-chan, I feel terrible for making him cry.

rin: so then tomorrow you apologize.


--ok this chapter is quite short lol

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