A: good morning *walks in the beanery sleepy*
H: hey andy
A: *walks over to robert who sat on the worktop*
R: hey baby
A: hey *stand with her back pressed up against his chest and grabs his hands*
R: *kisses her head*
A: *yawns and looks up* would you make me a bowl of cereal and coffee please
R: go sit i will bring it over to you
A: thank you *sits*
H: never thought i would say this but you guys are cute
A: *smiles* yeh we are its bizare we went from hating each other to living in the same house and bed
R: yeh its crazy
M: hey guys
A: welcome back captian
M: thank you its good to be back
R: *brings her food and coffee* here you go
A: thank you
R: *sits with them but next to andy*
A: vic why are eating susi at 8am
H: i dunno
A: thats gross its okay for dinner but breakfast no and its raw whats wrong with you
T: morning
A: travis question for you
T: shoot
A: would you eat raw susi for breakfast
T: vic really again
A: again?
T: she did it the other day thats gross my friend
A: thank you
R: so this is table talk then
A: yep welcome to table talk babe
D: i think we all need the story on when you two being a thing
A: *looks at him* go ahead baby
R: well it all started after the wildfire in LA we was trapped and we jumped in the pool together then you came to get us and that was our 2 near death experience and we kissed when you guys left but i.....
A: he kicked me out because of his leg which i get now why he did it so then we went back to hating each other but when i found out my dad cancer came back he came into my bunk
H: i know i told him not too
R: i didnt listen
A: im glad he didnt listen he is the only person to make me feel again after ryan died then couple weeks later i went to his place and said i dont want to fight anymore i dont want to fight you or my dad..... then i said your the safest place i have and then said everything would be okay for the first time in a really long time if you would just start kissing me now and he did just that and after that you have no idea how hard it was not to kiss around the station since you guys didnt know until the spagetti dinner and he kissed me infront of everyone and now we are married and i dont care who sees us kiss as we can do whatever we want *grabs his face to kiss him* see dont care
R: we got married 2 weeks before the storage fire it was me andy and her dad just the 3 of us and it was beautiful
A: agreed and i know i said i was never the marrying person but that changed when he came into my life you know he asked me twice to marry him
H: twice wow
A: yeh one in the car after lunch with my dad and one in bed
H: in bed really robert really
R: yep i did
D: wow so what are we calling you now andy
A: sullivan it may say herrera on my shirt which i keep but hold on *goes and changes into new shirt* hehe im back
R: you ordered new shirts
A: i did now this feels better
*aid car 19 ladder 19 multi car pile up*
*on sceen*
A: no no no omg
M: andy
A: No i know that car *runs over* hey michelle you hear me
Michelle: andy thank god its you
A: hey your okay hey guys lets get her out of here now please
M: andy your not captian
A: i dont care get this door off now you can yell at me later just get this door off now
Michelle: andy
A: hey its okay what hurts hey pass me a C-collar
T: here
A: thanks hey let me put this around your neck so it doesnt move okay looks like to me you have a broken arm other then that you okay you got lucky
*They load her up*
A: travis im riding with you if thats okay
T: yeh of course
M: andy we are talking when we are back
A: cool
*in aid car*
T: andy can i ask
A: shes my sister/cousin michelle shes family
Michelle: nice to meet you
A: this travis he works with me
Michelle: hows robert
A: hes good
Bailey: what we got
A: michelle herrera 32 possible broken arm other than that shes okay bailey shes my cousin take good care of her for me
Bailey: course
A: michelle i will call tia and johnny meet you here
Michelle: thanks andy
A: course
*back at 19*
R: hows she doing
A: she got lucky broken arm thats it
R: glad shes okay
A: me too
M; HERRERA my office now
A: what
M: you was out of line on that call
A: i know im sorry
M: who was she
A: my cousin my family who is like my sister
M: okay how she doing
A: broken arm thats it she will be fine her parents are on there way down to the hosptial now *phone goes off* hey tia hows she doing
T: hey andy ummm they found something while doing scans
A: what is it *leaves the office*
T: she has a brain tumor and they cant remove it
A: omg what how much time she have
T: few days weeks
A: okay thank you i will come see her now
T: okay she wants you and robert here
A: okay i will leave now
T: see you soon
A: *runs and changes and runs out the station*
M: hey guys
R: hey anyone seen andy because shes not here i looked everywhere
M: nah havent seen her
R: let me try calling her
A: *answers* baby whats up
R: where are you
A: *Sobs*
R: hey talk to me
A: when your done there i need you down at the hospital please
R: what happened
A: they found a brain tumor and she has days left
R: omg baby im so sorry im on my way now
A: find a ride i took the car
R: okay i love you
A: i love you too
R: captain permisson to leave shift my wife kinda needs me right now
M: whats going on
R: while michelle was getting scans they found a brain tumor and has days
M: say no more
R: can someone drop me she took the car
A: *Calls him*
R: hey
A: dont come shes gone on my way back so we can go home
R: okay im outside
A: pulling up now
R: hey come here
A: *hugs and sobs* my sister is gone
R: i know come on lets go home ill drive
A: okay theres a wake at tia now can we go
R: sure we can
*at tia*
T: andy robert
R: hey so sorry for you lose tia
T: thank you son
A; when we was going though my dads things i found this of me and michelle when we was kids i have loads of them
T: thank you andy
A: we just wanted to stop by im exhausted
T: go ahead you both been working go home thank you andy
A: course call me if you need anything
T: course
*back home*
A: what a day
R: yeh i know baby im so sorry
A: it was a broken arm turned into her being dead
R: i know its not fair it not right
A: like shes so young she my age i thought we had more time together
R: i know im here whatever you need
A: just you and your presence
R: that i can do
A: i still want to go in tomorrow though but just stay close to me
R: that i can do
A: goodnight babe i love you
R: i love you too