Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Anna. I have black hair, blue eyes, and faint freckles. I am tall and have medium weight. I am 13 years old. I live in London,England but have to move to Brighton,England. I will be living by the pier. I have to leave all my friends and my home. I have a phone so I can call them and stuff but it won't be the same. I haven't broke the news to my friends yet. Just thinking of their reactions make me tear up.

I decide to tell my best friend in the whole wide world Joanna first. Joanna is tall, skinny,has blonde hair, and green eyes. When I tell her she does the unexpected, she smiles and says "Good for you!" I can see the sorrow in her eyes. "Getting to live by the sea and the pier is so cool!" I know it is quite cool isn't it. " You'll make friends fast at your new school." Promise? "Promise." Thanks Joanna! I forgot that I had to change schools.

Next I tell my second best friend Alex. Alex is short, she has brown hair and green eyes. Alex stats to cry which makes me cry. The bell rings and we are still standing there crying. We begin to run to class. Our class is downstairs. to the left, to the left again, to the right, then we walk down the hallway to room 232. When we enter everyone is staring at us. Apparently Mr. Becker is in a bad mood because he starts yelling at us. I think to myself " How is it our faults. Our lockers should be closer."

At lunch my friends wanted to know the details. I live with my dad after my parents divorced. I know that is unexpected because after most parents divorce the kid(s) go to move with the mother. My dad got a new job in Brighton so we have to move closer to his job. We move to a new flat in 2 weeks. I am getting my own room with my bunny Missy. Joanna wants to visit every weekend and Alex every other weekend.

I get to visit the flat today after school. I only get to take one friend with me. I decide to take my friend Carly. Carly is medium height , with blonde hair, brown eyes, glasses, and freckles. I take Carly because she wants to be a Interior Designer. She is going to plan everything. Where things go, how they are arranged, how not to use all the space but not have a giant blank area. All that stuff. She will even help us buy new things.

After school my dad picks us up. My dad has black hair and blue eyes. Of coarse he is tall like 6'1" or something. He is also skinny. Carly and I walk up to the red car. When we get in my dad says " We can't paint the walls so you two have to get creative." Carly enthusiastically says " Creative is my middle name!" We go to the store tomorrow to get plates, bowls,spoons, forks, pillows, blankets, A little VHS television for my room, and a family mac book.

As soon as we arrive we get into the lift. When we get up I gasp. I glance over a Carly and see the excitement and the wheels turning in her mind. The reason I gasped was because of excitement, I get to live in Zoe Sugg's old flat! I run into her old room and claim it mine. Carly and I sit down on the floor and Carly talks about the layout. I don't really listen because I'm to excited.

I take out my phone and take a picture and tweet it to Zoe. I told her she can still use the wifi to upload her videos. We continue to sit on the floor but now we discuss how to decorate the walls. I suggest posters or pictures. Carly frowns and says "No sorry but I have a better idea." Great confidence boost Carly. "My idea is we take the pain color example squares and tape them to the wall to make a rainbow room!" Wow that is a great idea Carly! "I know!"

We go to Tesco to get food and house things. We get some really cute mugs, bow-tie pasta, some Italian chicken, chocolate, Pancake mix, and bacon. Carly is also spending the night. I cook dinner sometimes and since I love this meal of bow-tie pasta and Italian chicken I cook it. When we get back Carly sets the table. I season the chicken and place it in the oven.

I put the bow-tie pasta in a pot and starts cooking it. Once they are both done I gt out 3 plates, A pink plate, a blue plate, and a green plate. I get pink, Carly Blue, and dad green. I put the pasta on the plates. I then cut the chicken into rectangles and lay them on top of the bow-tie pasta.

After dinner Carly and I watch a movie. After the movie we slip into our pajamas, put our hair up and take pictures of the flat. I check my twitter and notice that Zoe replied. It says " Oh that is so cool! Thanks for letting me use the wifi!" I showed Carly and she said " Oh. My. GOSH!!"

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