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Tea Time


Like you had expected you woke up sore, but it was way more than last time
You didn't want to call in sick because you would feel stupid, so you just decided to go anyways

Struggling to even more just to get to the car, then heading towards the big building

You wanted to avoid people today, yet you were pretty popular around, so it was almost impossible

"Good morning y/n! Ignoring me now?" you heard someone call you, of course it was Melissa, you nervously turned around and awkwardly smiled

"Oh...Hi Melly! I did not see you, I have a headache so like its a bit blurry" you lied
She looked at you confused tilting your head
"Is it why you are walking like that?" she said
"Hehe, uh, maybe?" you said sweatdropping

Her eyes widen and she came rushing over to you
"Girl did you get railed or sum?" she whispered to you
No point in lying to her now you thought
"Uh, yeah" you told her and started laughing

"You got a boyfrienddd?!" she exclaimed and you covered her mouth
"Be quiet! and no...." you said quietly
"Wait, then what? a one-night stand?" she kept asking you

You already knew she wasn't going to let you go easily if you didn't tell her
"A-uh, a good friend"
Her eyes widen
"Broooo, not Megumi" she said in dissapointment
"Girllll, what the fuck! You idiot, nooooo" you started to laugh

"Then who?"
You rolled your eyes "A friend of ours, Megumi knows him. Nobody knows though about us so like don't bring it up ever?" you begged her
"Well of course bitch, but um what are you guys now then?" she asked
You stayed quiet
"I am not sure, but If I could put a label, I have to say friends with benefits. May not exactly like the term, but yeah..." you explained

"Ooooo, never thought of you as that type of person" she said truthfully, though still shocked
"Me neither, believe me this shit was not planned in any type of way" I said laughing at the end
"Damn, but like have you caught feelings recently or nah?" she asked

"You with all your question.... no, I haven't. I can't really see myself in a relationship with him, I don't know, I just don't fall easily for people. Been broken so many times" you sighed looking at the floor

"Y/N! You have to start telling me these things....you'll find your man one day, you deserve it. But for now get that dick I guess?" she said
You hit her shoulder
"Your too funny, oh my gosh" you laughed

"Done with your questions???" you asked her
In which she nodded her head and smiled
"Good, now don't tell me to help you move stuff, I can't even move myself" you giggled
"I got you....but get yourself a wheelchair next time!" she tried giggling quietly, but couldn't contain it

"What's so funny?" you both heard and turned to an annoyed Megumi
You both immediately started laughing harder
"N-nothing" you said holding your stomach of how much you both were laughing
"My ass was really thinking it was him" Melissa said and bursted into laughter

Megumi was so confused and looked at you both with a blank expression
"What are you guys talking about?" he asked

"Nothing really, now go away" you smiled at him and made motion for him to go away
"Y/n I swear-" he grunted in annoyance and walked away
Then again the both of you dropped dead laughing your asses off

"It hurtsss" you whined holding your stomach
"Same" she agreed, coughing at the end
"Well thanks for the tea sis, now you rest them legs~!" she sang and walked away to the front of the floor

You proceeded to walk to your office space and plopped yourself to your chair leaning back, then sitting back up gently rubbing your thighs with your hands

"Satoru gives no mercy" you whispered to yourself with a fainted giggle
Then you started thinking

We didn't use protection this time....I should use plan b just in case
better to be safe than sorry

"I'll make a prescription appointment later" you reminded yourself outloud

You opened your laptop and started checking on reports and writings that you had to do, you had a long way to go


"Your y/n right?" I heard from behind and turned around
It was Gojou, one of the people that Yuji liked to hang around a lot

I nodded in response
"Your the one that Yuji talks a lot of, your his girlfriend?" he asked looking at me with dark sunglasses showing half of his mystical blue eyes

"Um, no, he's just a friend I made recently....your his friend too right?" I asked him
He smiled and nodded
"Yes I am!"

He handed his hand out
You took yours out too and shook hands
"Gojou Satoru" he said
"L/n F/n" you said
You both laughed since you already knew eachother names

End of Flashback

Then after I was able to meet Megumi and Nobara you smiled internally of the memory you had just thought of

You kept on with your work, you felt like you might fall asleep any minute of how tired you were, you yawned then cracked your fingers


"Thank you so much!" you told an older lady in the counter as you got your prescription and left

"Yeesh, its been a while since I've needed this" you laughed and got in your car


Once at home you and took the pill as soon as you could
For you, being pregnant was still out of your mind, though you were at a good age to get pregnant you wanted to wait a few more years

Especially because you and Gojou are nothing, you guys aren't dating, or are in love
You didn't want to have a child with someone whom you don't love or someone who doesn't love you

I hope I don't end up falling for the guy

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