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A few weeks have gone by and If you were being honest you had barely gone out with any of your friends

Luckily, Yuji wanted to have lunch with you in which you happily agreed to, you both haden't seen eachother in a while
Only texting and facetiming eachother

"Y/N!!!" Yuji called out running fast as lighting over to you
"Yujiiii, Heyyyy!" you said as he slammed into you for a hug, you hugged him back and smiled

"Hiiiii" he said, he was overly exited to have lunch with you
"Yujiii, I missed you so much" you said laughing as you both pulled out of the tight hug

"Same y/n! I missed your actual face, we barely see Eachother!"
"I know right, fucking sucks.  But Hey! look we finally see eachother" you said pulling him into another hug


You both decided Lunch was going to be more of a picnic since it was very nice out and the weather was perfect

You put the blanket on the bright green grass under a tree that gave shadow protecting you both a little from the sun
Yuji put the food you both brought and spread it through out the blanket

The both of you sat down and smiled at eachother, almost immediately Yuji grabbed his sandwich and started eating 

"Hey!, we were supposed to start together" you said finally grabbing your sandwich as well
"I'm hungry" he said with his mouth full
"I know, so am I" you laughed and took a bite

"So how's life?" you ask him, getting a sip of water
"Good I guess, could be better" he shrugged then layed on his back on the large blanket while looking up at the sky

You did the same turning around, laying on the blanket, putting your hands on your stomach, looking at the puffy clouds with the blue sky which was low-key reminding you of Gojou's eyes

"Anything on your mind Y/n?" he asked looking over to you
You shook your head
"No not really" you answered back
"You know you can tell me anything right? We're friends!" he smiled

You stayed silent for a few seconds until you spoke again
"I know, Its nothing, don't worry again" you smiled back at him

It hurt you not being able to tell your best friend "Yeah so like me and Satoru are like having sex, but no feelings and I can't tell anyone because its very weird"

You tried to shake the thought off, especially knowing Yuji, he would immediately tell Megumi and Nobara.  Something you absolutely did not want happening

"I hope everything is ok for you then" he said with a small frown on his face
"Yeah, no, everything's good.  Just little things.  If this thing goes bad I'll tell you" you said and sat up, he then sat up as well

"Ok!" he said and went over and tumbled you over falling to the prickly grass in your face, and sneezed
"Yujiiii!" you started to laugh as you got up over to him ruffling his hair
"Hehe, sorry" he said laughing

"I missed this so muchhh" you said and smiled remembering the good years of friendships with him and the others
"I knowwww, we need to make more time for time like this!!" he said while he ran fast lighting you trying to catch up to him


He slowed down and ran over to your exhausted self, laughing
"We should have another hangout like last time!" he suggested
"Yeah, no drinking though.  Y'all go overboard" you said

He scratched his head and tilted it
"Really? "
"You idiot, yes!"
"Hahah ok then!"


Authors Note: I want this so bad :(


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