Chapter 23

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The girls spent one extra day with Mina before her guard showed up and told her she needed to return back to Japan immediately. "Can I at least say goodbye?" Mina spoke to the man in Japanese.

"Sure... Just know your mother isn't pleased." The guard replied as he looked over to Mina's friends.

"How did you even find me in the first place?"

"She figured that you somehow got back to Korea... So after searching the whole of Japan we went here." The guard explained.

'Nayeon?' Mina thought as she turned to her friends. Mina walked over and hugged everyone one by one, She did hold on longer for some people. The brunette glance at Momo one more time. "Everything will be alright Momoring, I'll see you all when I can." Mina said as she left with the guard.


Spring break was over as everything went back to normal. Jeongyeon started back up ice-skating every day. Of course, she had to start slow since she was coming back from a leg injury.

"Jeongyeon before you start to practice on your jumps again, I want to talk to you." Jeongyeon's coach said. Jeongyeon turned to her coach.

"Now I may not know too much about love, I'm lucky my wife managed to stay with me all these years but what I do know is, Anything can happen, and don't let outside sources ruin your mood. You are a talented girl with an amazing gift and I hate to see you waste it away over something that can't be controlled. Let it go, honey, What happens happens." Jeongyeon understood the message her coach was trying to get across. "I'll try."

"No no honey, I've known you since you were a baby you never try, You do it. I believe in you. So whoever the girl or girls that's stressing you out let it go. They will come back if it's meant to be." The coach then hugged Jeongyeon.

"You got this."


Momo on the other hand was busy with dance and softball, Nationals was only a month and a half away and she wants to defend their title. The dancer couldn't focus on anything else regarding Nayeon right now so she told the others to deal with it. Sana, Jihyo, and Chaeyoung took time to think of a way to get rid of Nayeon for once and for all. (Jeongyeon was focused on ice skating so she was only available on weekends and she didn't want to hear about Nayeon during lunchtime.)

"That girl isn't going to stop until she starts dating Jeongyeon again. Much less she has a lot of connections, Like how did she even find Mina's mother number to contact her, or how she find the poisoning." Chaeyoung sighed. This whole situation to her is frustrating.

"Maybe schools contact list, What do you think Jihyo?" Sana says. "That's a possibility. I'm also thinking there's a chance that Mina's father and Nayeon's father are business partners." Jihyo replied, The brunette laid back on the wall, looking at the two girls across her.

"Why do you think that?"

"Just a thought, I remember Nayeon mentioning a long time ago that her father was working with a Japanese man. She never got the name of that man but he had two kids, a son, and a daughter. Mina has a brother right?"

"Yeah, Kai. He's in his last year of college." Sana confirmed Jihyo's thoughts.

"Yeah, So I think it matches up. That doesn't explain how she gets the info but we know it's a bit easier for Nayeon to twist things to her own liking due to all these connections."

"You're a genius Jihyo, In fact, Mina introduce us to Nayeon." Sana brought up.

"I'm a bit surprised you didn't know that Sana."

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