Chapter 28

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A few weeks have passed as Jeongyeon and her family (and family friends) went on vacation. They wouldn't be back until the beginning of August, A few days before the girls planned group trip. Jihyo and her family also left for vacation for a good two weeks so she would be occupied for some time too. On the other hand within those few weeks, Chaeyoung has managed to get a place for Dahyun to stay. Dahyun and the others had no idea how Chaeyoung managed to do it but they didn't question it any further due to the younger girl getting irritated.

This left Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Momo, Sana, and Mina together. Due to Sana's parent's job, they were busy often and they planned a one-week vacation for themselves at the end of the month. Sana requested money from them so she could go to an amusement park with her friends. Which they had fun for the most part. (Mainly Sana, and Chaeyoung since the others aren't too fond of rollercoasters.)

Mina's parents were still talking about the issue but seemed to come to an agreement. When both her parents returned to Korea her mother was much quieter and happier. Mrs. Myoui even called Mina and told her when she got home she wanted to talk to her. When they did talk it was way different than before. Mrs. Myoui listened to what her daughter had to say and understand that she was in the wrong and was overreacting. Mina's mother apologized to her and wanted to make an effort to change so she wouldn't hurt her daughter, But Mina didn't trust anything her mother said one bit. Mina felt like it wasn't a genuine apology.

Of course to not cause problems in the household Mina did accept her mother's apology and went out with her to get some tea.

Over the next few days, the girls enjoyed their time together until it came up to one specific day. Sana knew this day would be important for Momo and Mina, So during that day, the now red-head decided to call Chaeyoung and see if they both could visit Dahyun's new place.

Chaeyoung was hesitant but she eventually agrees, So Sana drove over to the younger girl's house first and picked her up. Chaeyoung turned on the GPS and put in Dahyun's address before buckling up her seatbelt. It was dead silent in the car as Sana pulled the gear to drive and pressed on the gas pedal. Chaeyoung rested her head on the window as she pulled out her sketchbook, looking for a blank canvas but finding none. "Momo and Mina are together today."

Chaeyoung took a glance at Sana to see where this conversation was going. "I wish I didn't make assumptions earlier, Knowing the truth."

"It's okay to make mistakes Sana, Everybody does." Chaeyoung tried to reassure her friend.

"Yeah, But for me to make assumpt-"

"Sana listen... You couldn't help but feel angry at them, I don't know what's the reason but it must be been big if they needed to hide it." Chaeyoung cut off her friend, she didn't like what Sana was saying.

"It was big alright..." The redette muttered as both girls fell back into silence once again.


Mina and Momo got dropped off by Mina's brother at the subway station. Where they were going today would take a while but it was worth it every time to Mina. Both girls had paid for their tickets already as they board the train and sat at a vacant spot. They were luckier this year because the last few years that they have traveled by train together it was super crowded.

Mina then looks at her friend Momo who was staring out of space, deep in thought. 'She always likes this nowadays.' Mina gently pulled Momo's head onto her shoulder and held her hand.

"W-what are you doing Minari?"

"Shhh... I want you to relax until we get there, Don't think about anything until we're there." Momo only nodded.

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