hey, its been a minute

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hey guys. so i obviously haven't updated this book since july 23, 2020. david dobriks birthday.

let's talk for a bit.

i'm sure you are all aware of the issues surrounding david and the rest of the vlog squad. i planned to speak on this the second it came out, but i couldn't bring myself to accept it. i've spent a lot of nights crying and being angry and tearing things off my wall.

i have idolized david and the rest of the vlog squad since 2015, i was 12. i am now 17 and they still play a crucial role in my life. it feels as if i can't escape it, every sweatshirt i put on, every shirt i wear to sleep, it's his merch. not even to mention the fact that i had always loved dom and coined him as my favorite.

after the story from ally in 2017, dom became someone who i was iffy about. but me being naive, i accepted his apologies, which were not mine to accept, and continued to support him.

then in 2018, i was first sexually assaulted, and i have been assaulted twice more since then. that's why this is all really effecting me. david dobrik was someone i turned to for comfort after those traumatic incidents.

and now all those jokes about dom and consent aren't funny anymore. they're disturbing and hurtful. and the utter lack of respect for these victims is disgusting. david clearly does not care, it's obvious. the second video he posted titled "03/22/21" was clearly forced because of all the money he was losing due to these allegations.

this isn't drama, this isn't a scandal, a girl was raped. this is legal matter now.

as much as it hurts, i am done. done supporting david, or dom, or jason, or any of them involved. this includes as well jeff, toddy, jonah, and anybody else who was there that night.

this book is discontinued, and so are the rest of my david books.

my heart goes out to ally, hannah, and any other victims.

please don't hesitate to reach out, my messages are always open.

i love you guys. stay safe.

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