Chapter One

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(Glitchy-Chan read bottom if you will....Maybe...Pwease?)

The chimes of a bell echoed through the castle halls. The chimes of this bell told of important news. It was almost always VERY important, because it took climbing seven flights of steep stairs to get there. Meanwhile, in the castle, everyone began to stir, roused by the bell's chimes. prince Allan sat up suddenly in his king size bed, (or in his case prince sized), and looked around tiredly.

"Curses, what has happened now?" he muttered angrily. He put on his down slippers and walked slowly to the castle's main hall, where a crowd had begun to accumulate. The king and queen, (Allan's parents), were there as well, trying to figure out what was happening. "father, mother," Allan said tiredly.

"Can you PLEASE explain what is so 'important', that someone would have to wake the ENTIRE CASTLE at THREE THIRTY IN THE MORNING?!?!". The prince greatly disliked being woken early, as you can clearly see. A boy that looked fiffteen ran into the main hall, breathing heavily.

"With all due respect your majesties," the boy said. "may I have a moment to catch my breath?" he asked tiredly.

"Of course," the king replied in his deep voice. After a few minutes, the boy said, " I feel that I am ready to speak now." The queen nodded.

"All right Damian, what is the important news?"

"Musketeer Dupree and her horse have been found beraggled outside the main gates." Damian said.

"WHAT!!!!" the prince screamed. Damian, taken aback by the prince's sudden outburst, hesitated before he spoke again.

"She is...unconcious sire..." he said cautiously. Allan's eye He ran his hands through his strawberry blond hair. He dark blue eyes pierced Damian's own.

"And who has done this to mine own faithful protector?" he said with deadly calm. Damian seemed unnerved by the prince's deadly calm.

"We believe that Zinkoff is the culprit your highness." Prince Allan's face turned purple. "ZINKOFF!!!!!!" he screamed, obivously furious. He tore down the hallway, running to the main gates.

"Allan!" the king and queen, (his parents), yelled and ran after him, a hoard of servants following them. Damian stayed behind for a few moments.

"Why did my father have to be the royal messenger?" he said to himself, sounding very exasperated. He ran after them, stopping along the way to tell others what had happened.

When the royal family arrived at the main gates, they saw four guards postioned around a horse as blue as a sapphire, and its unconcious rider, Musketeer Dupree. Her long black hair, which normally fell down to her knees, was dirty and tangled in a ponytail. Her once blue musketeer outfit was brown with dirt and soot. As always, she was pale, but she seemed even more so in her state.

"MY LOVE!!!!" Prince Allan yelled, running towards her. Dupree began to rouse from her sleep. When Allan arrived at her side, he kissed her passionately. The guards looked away, uncomfortable. She was awake NOW. Dupree pulled away and slapped Allan across the face. The guards gasped in horror, fearing that the king would punish musketeer Dupree. But the knig only smirked and watched with humor.

"ALLAN!!!!" she shrieked angrily. "YOU AGREED NOT TO DO THAT!!!!" Allan smirked.

"No witnesses Dupree..." She groaned tiredly and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

"Well!" the king said, interrupting Dupree and Allan's argument. "Glad to see you lovers reunited, but didn't you have an IMPORTANT MISSION TO COMPLETE musketeer Dupree?" he said skeptically.

"We are NOT lovers, and I uh......" Dupree said, looking lost for words. Her purple-blue eyes darted back and forth nervously.

"What is the current situation with your 'important mission' musketeer Dupree?!" the king said more forcefully.

"I am unable to discuss the current developments with you in this environment, but I will gladly tell you what has happened in Merlin's study," Dupree said in a curt voice. "I require my fellow musketeers and friends to be there as well."

"Fine," the king said. "My wife, son, and everyone else may retire to their sleeping quarters, Dupree and I have much to discuss."

 Allan pouted.

"I want to listen too!" he whined.

"Do you want to be put out of your misery Allan?" the queen said threateningly. That shut Allan up and he stalked unhappily to his spacious room. The king turned to Dupree.

"Your presence will be required in Merlin's study within the next 10 minutes," he said. "Don't be late." Dupree smiled nervously.

"I won't."


Author's note: I am welcome to comments, and I am glad that people are reading my book. I am trying to update daily. I wrote this entire story by hand, and am now typing it by hand. Thanks for my ONE follower so far, and 2 votes. Everybody reads the prologue, and not the chapters, I don't get it!!!


(LOL this is future Maya! No, jk, i'm just from a year or so later, and I was really unpopular back den, lol again.)

I am a fried chicken. 

With fried potatoes and some fries as well. 

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