chapter XIV

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after coming at home at about eight am, finding the children sleeping , eileen decided to take a nap as well. 

the nap turned into five hours . literaly. when the girl woke up , the kids were gone and rosie had cleaned up the place as well as made lunch for them. eileen knew this because she smelled something from her room. the girl didn't bother to change her clothes. 

walked in the living sace, found rosie on the couch watching a movie and a bowl of salads in fron of her . 

- oh hi e , i made lunch . your's in the kitchen - eileen noded. the girl took the bowl and joined her for the movie. which turned out to be the fifth harry potter movie, harry pother and order of the pheonix . 

after finishing her lunch , changing in more appropiate clothes, eileen decided to got out for a coffee . walking around the city , she found a little coffee shop. a bell rang on top of her , making clear of her presence. all though it was a small shop there were plenty of people in there. 

the girl took the only free table and ordered a cup of coffee with cake. she took out her phone and decided to post one of the photos from last night, with just her . i would say that two minutes after the girl had sat down and ordered , the bell rang again. 

eileen didn't bother looking up , until a soft voice speaked next to her , '

- im sorry , is this place taken? it's just that there isn't a lot of seats - eileen looked at voice, it was the girl again. - yeah sure , no problem - the girl gestured for her to sit down.

- hey aren't you the girl who helped me with my phone couple of days ago? - the young girl asked 

- yeah its eileen by the way - she smiled 

- oh yeah ruse of me for not saying mine, im tina - the asain girl answred to eileens not so question

-i figuered - eileen smiled and put her phone down , tina raised an eyebrow 

- fan fact i was in your youtube video, letting starbucks baristas pick my drinks or something like that - right as eileen said that, tina seemed to remember everything 

- oh yeah i remember actually, yours was my favourite . did you remember my name ? - tina asked genuete. 

- i probobly wouldn't have if it wasn't for my sister being a fan of you   and your friend group . - eileen answered casually, but this freaking tina out just a bit 

- oh - the girl didn't know what to do 

- don't worry , im not some crazy fan or anything in that sorts. i have just seen coupe of your streams or seen you playing with others when im watching with my sister. - eileen quickly added to save tina from the akwardness

- oh okey then - the servent came with both of their orders - thank you - the girls thanked the man . 

- so then technicly this our fourth time seeing each other - eileen found it cute , that she counted the time tina was just there driving trough the drive trough. and that she even remembered it . 

- yeah , at this is point it's like the universe is yelling at us for not talking with each other - lucky for eileen , tina didn't find it wierd but agreed with the girl 

- totally , i feel like at this ponit we are meant to be friends - tina smiled , taking a sip of her coffee.

- tottaly agree - eileen said and took a sip of her coffee as well. 

so the girls , stayed there and talked for about an hour , before both of their cups were emty and cake eaten. they talked about random stuff , mostly just getting to know each other trough simple questions, really . at the end of the hour eileen almsot felt sad leaving the girl . 

but luckly for her , tina remembered to ask for her number, just so they actually become friends and not just starngers who just happend to run into each other, more often than rare. 

* * *

eileen had decided she wanted to play phasmaphobia with her sister and amelia. one of rosies best friends. eileen had her stream already going and people joining. about five minutes of just starting soon screen being up , she changed to face cam . sayying hello to chat and explaing what they would do if from the streams title , playing phaspmaphobia w rosie & amelia | !socials, they couldn't quite get it . 

eileen explained to chat who amelia was , they introduced themselves and the girl decided to just start playing. because eileen was the only one who actually knew how to play the game , it was quite fun seeing the two teenagers try and figure things out from the viewers prespective. 

but the chemestry between the three girls, even amelia and eileem allthough they hadn't hanged out that much before , was quite the perfection . seeing her chat enjoyed the stream. the girl reached top of 1,5k people watching her and she got couple of new subcribers as well as followers. the stream was quite funny , but for it being a horror game it ended in about an hour.

but eileen's chat was satisfied with it , so was she and her sister with amelia. it was a nice hour.

authors note 

we hit 1k reads on this story ! im so thankful <3 i never thought this one would get so many, because there isn't much tina stories . as well as eileen hadn't really interacted with the girl much until now. 

im super excited for you guys to see more tina and eileen content <3

thank you so much again!!

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