
199 20 1

Here's what you will get participnats, judges and winners:

🏅A Follow from this acoount The_Clover_Community
🏅A Participant Sticker

🏅Follow from this account The_Clover_Community
🏅A Judges Sticker and Best Judge Sticker (if choosen)

🥇First Place Winners🥇

✨1st Place Sticker✨
✨Follow from this account The_Clover_Community and Shauna_backup
✨Shout out on message board with the name of your book.
✨Book added to the community's Lucky Charm Winners reading list

🥈Second Place Winners🥈

✨Follow from The_Clover_Community
✨2nd Place Sticker
✨Shout out on message board with the name of your book.
✨Book added to the community's Lucky Charm Winners reading list

🥉3rd Place Sticker🥉

✨Follow from The_Clover_Community
✨3rd Place Sticker
✨Shout out on message board with the name of your book.
✨Book added to the community's Lucky Charm Winners reading list

✨Special Category 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners✨

✨A Follow from The_Clover_Community
✨Book added to the lucky charm awards special category winners reading list
✨Shout out on this message board.

✨Honourable mention✨
Your books will be hihlighted when the winners are announced. Only choosing (2) per genre

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