✨When your judges are announced please follow them PERMANENTLY. Comment done beside your name when you've done so.
✨Please check that if your form has been accepted and it’s on this list and ensure your book name is spelt correctly. Judges please take 3 weeks to judge. I’m expecting results by May 3rd.
✨Judges please inform us if the author of the book your judging doesn't follow within 48 hours after entries are published. Pm for the email or discord name when the results are ready.
✨ Please ensure that you check the judge’s rubric before you start judging. There are three different criteria there, ensure you’re using the correct one.
☘️Judges: cassandracas1
1. Cocytus empiresofwater
2. Past the Garden Wall Ctrain8
3. Angel Falls aura_irene_
4. 20 Days to Prom Night pipwusa
☘️Judge: FionaCakes91
6. The boy made of string RowanCarver
7. RAYEL JosefinaFAAD
8. Fallen Stars TheLightsAboveArbys