Just Kit

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As I sit in the principals waiting room, I hear distant talking through the door. There's a line of blue chairs outside of the door to the office, there are also a few windows scattered around the waiting room, but somehow the room still gives of a gloomy feeling, probably because of the grayish-blue walls. The blinds on the window to the office are open, and I can see the silhouettes of the people talking on the inside. There was a brief silence. They must have known i was listening, because the principal comes up to the door and harshly closes the blinds. By the look on his face i can tell he cares about the students at this school. "pathetic." I say under my breath.

I hear someone approaching the door to the waiting room, their footsteps getting louder the closer they get to the door, it creaks open and I see a girl with a familiar face. She doesn't look happy to be here. After a short staring contest i recognize her from PE class. The girl sits down next to me and glares at me, almost as if i had killed her sister or something. She has slightly messy dark brown hair, and bright green eyes that are filled with anger. the girl's wearing a cropped white tank top and a baby blue skirt, she doesn't seem to enjoy wearing it. Along with a black eye she has a bloody lip and scrapes and bruises all over her body. I assume that she got in to a fight, although she doesn't look like the kind of person to get into fights. There was an awkward silence until she spoke.

"So, why are you here?" She asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice. The girl tried to blow a strand of her slightly messy hair out of her face, but ultimately failed because it clung to the sweat on her forehead. I decided not to answer, which, based on her posture, just made her more annoyed.

We both turned our attention to the door, as it opened to reveal the principal and the vice principal. they both looked formally dressed, the principal wearing high heels and a suit. And the vice principal wearing dress shoes and a suit and tie. "Victoria Royal, and Kit- . ." the principal hesitates deciding weather or not say my last name, she decides not to. "follow me inside the office please."

As we stand up and walk into the room, I notice my foster parents in the room sitting on some chairs - they seem very upset and disappointed to say the least. The room has a large wood desk with a coffee dispenser and cup on it, the wall behind the desk has shelving that stretches across half the room and stops at the window that is directly in front of the desk. the front of the desk seats multiple chairs my 'parents' sitting in the left two.

The principal motions for us to sit down in the chairs directly in front of the desk, so we do. I hear the door open once again and see two professional-looking people standing in the doorway. They seemed mad, Victoria seems horrified, and I smirk.

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