Well this is awkward....

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      Maddie set her basket on the floor of the supermarket, opening the freezer door. As she reached out to grab the dino nuggets, her hand collided with someone else's.
     Maddie turned and recognized the hand owner, "Emily! Oh my god, hi!"
      Emily grinned and Maddie aggressively hugged Emily, which made Emily jump back.

    Emily let out a small squeak and stared at her shoes. Maddie smiled, "I get it don't worry."
     Suddenly, a boy turned the corner with a cart, "Emily! I was looking everywhere!"
      Emily's eyes widened, "Oh, sh1t, my bad." Emily grabbed the boy's sleeve and pulled him over to Maddie.
      "This is my brother, Jacob. Jacob, meet Maddie. Maddie, meet Jacob. I met Maddie a little while ago at the Strawberry farm.", Emily said.

    Jacob and Maddie looked at each other awkwardly. Maddie stuck out her hand at the same time as Jacob, causing them to have a weird  sliding into hand thing, which Maddie interpreted as a fist bump and which Jacob interpreted as a weird scissor hand greeting.
    "Well, this is awkward.", Jacob laughed after their weird handshake.
     Maddie nodded and looked to his shirt, "Hey, LGBTQ ally, huh?"
     Jacob proudly grinned and showed her the back of his shirt which read in bold red letters, "Im proud of my bi lil sis"
    Maddie awwed at the support he was giving Emily.
     "You two want to grab some Fro-Yo?", Maddie asked. Emily checked her phone, "I'm sorry, we can't..but maybe next weekend, you and I can?"
"Yeah, it's a date!", Maddie's ears turned red, "Not like a date-..I don't want to date you haha, not that it sounds bad to date you, but like Im not interested. Not that Im UNinterested. Basically, I was just saying that it's a scheduled day and time, which would make the day a date. Not like-..a date date. Like a date between two people that like each other. I don't like you. Not like-..

sh1t, Maddie, stop talking.", Maddie stared at the floor.

"Hey, I get what you meant!", Emily laughed, and waved goodbye. Maddie watched them leave, Jacob teasing Emily as they left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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