Chapter 26: Carwash.

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We just got to the church. "Is this is?" I ask my dad, he was still drunk. He nods getting off the car. Wonder why we are here.

I help him walk, I grab the beer bottle out of his hand and throw it. "Why'd you do that man?!" He says. I shake my head ignoring him.

I saw a bald man on the microphone talking. "This is probably our toughest battle. But listen, if god can forgive, then so can you" he says. "Bullsh*t!" My dad yells, everyone gasped.

I felt so embarrassed. "Sorry!" I say. Everyone then looks at us. " what about that time in rena with the soccer moms with the Hyatt" my dad says walking up to the man.

I follow behind him embarrassed. "Sorry everyone" I whisper. "Johnny" the man says. "God forgive any of us for that?" My dad says. I sigh.

"Um..yes even that. Forgiveness is the very core of Christianity" the bald, blue eyed man says. Everyone's attention was on him now. "I wouldn't know about that. Not much of a chruchgoer" my dad says.

I mentally faceplam my self.

"I'm sorry. Apologies, everyone" the man says. Who is this man and why are we here?

"My friend here is found through hard times..and his daughter he Bring along with him" he says. Wait- he knows me?!

"Nothing  I can't handle....My daughter here as well... " he says grabbing my shoulder. "Is a champ! I bet your kids aren't like mine" he says to everyone, he was stumbling. I look down in embarrassment, why is my dad saying these things at a church?!

"Johnny.." the man says again. My dad then looks at the blonde lady beside him and smirks winking at her. I shake my head. That was cringe. "I'm in the middle of a sermon, so how about you take a seat~" the man says but then gets interrupted by my dad again.

"You know this guy was a real badass back in the day" dad says pointing to the man. Oh, so they must be old friends.

By now the man, was now in front of us. "Fighting, drinking" my dad says. The bald man comes over to me, "come take a seat right here" he whispers to me I nod, as I sit on the stage like thing.

"Partying" my dad continues. People started whispering. "Sucks you're not allowed to get laid anymore, man" my dad says. My eyes grew wide on what he just says.

"How many times I gotta tell ya? I'm not a priest" the man says to my dad. They where face to face at this time. "Y/n cover your ears for a second" he says. I gave him a confused look, he then looks back at the man. "So your wang can still get tang? Nice" he says.

I didnt cover my ears but...what did he sayyy?

That's when the man looks up. "Forgive me father" he says. "For what?" My dad asks drunk.

That's when the man drop kicks my dad making him fly to the ground. I quickly stand up. "DAD!" I yell. "He's fine" the man says to me with a smile. There was a lot of gasps, as people stood up looking at my dad on the floor.


Shall we check on Miguel? Let's go. (Breaking the 4th wall again period LOL)

Miguel was still in his hospital, obviously because he can't go anywhere. (See what I did there HAHA)

Sam, wanted to visit him. She walks into the room. "Hey" she says. Miguel quickly looks at her, "hey.." he says. "I hope it's ok, me just showing up like this" she says. They stayed silent for a bit. "How are you?" She speaks up.

He looks away, it's pretty obvious how he is. "I mean..sorry's a stupid question" she says. "It's ok" he says. "I have a surgery on Friday..some doctor from out of state who supposedly works miracles" he says. "Does y/n know?" She asks. " was hoping to text her soon..I've heard you been talking to her recently" he says.

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