Chapter 32: Date

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Me and Miguel look at each other. "How'd you get threw security?" I ask. "I went to school here. You think I don't know all the secret ways in?" He says. I shake my head. Miguel then gets some stuff in his locker. "Hey. I got some good news. Found us a pretty sweet spot for our new dojo." Dad says.

I smile. "That's good!" I say. "Yeah?" Miguel says with a smile looking at my Dad. "How's the recruiting coming?" He asks. Me and Miguels faces drop.

I start to walk away with Miguel and my dad. "That bad?" He says. "It's just everything changed, sensei" Miguel says. They where both now next to me, each side. "Cobra Kai, they...they drank all the kool-aid" Miguel says. I look down at my feet.

"Kool-aid? What's wrong with Kool-aid?" dad asks. Gosh he's so clueless. "It's just, Sensei Kreese is turning them into a army of assholes" I speak up, looking up from my feet. My Dad was now in front of me and Miguel, as we stopped walking.

"There's not convincing them to leave" I say. "Yup" Miguel says, agreeing to me. "Wait here" my dad says, walking away behind us. We both turn around to see Sensei/Dad walking to the group of cobra kais.

Me and Miguel quickly look at each other. "Sh*t!" I say. We follow behind him. "Okay listen up!" My dad yells to the group. Both me and Miguel where standing next to my dad. "I screwed up. And I'm sorry. I made it about me..and that's not what a Sensei does. I took the easy way out. I gave up. What happened here at this school.." my dad says. He then looks at me and Miguel. I glup. Miguel grabs my hand, holding it.

Dad looks back at the boys. "It rocked me to my core. I couldn't look myself in the eye, let alone face all of you. I also adopted this one, which is an amazing journey so far" he says. They all look at me, as I smile. Miguels grip on my hand, gets a bit tighter.

"Yeah, I guess it makes it easier to tell yourself that" Hawk speaks up. I shoot a look at him. "But, the truth is, you bailed on us long before that fight happened. You got soft" Hawk says. My jaw clenches, this boy is getting me on my last nerve.

"And we paid the price" he continues. I breath heavily. "Yeah and you're the reason why he was in the hospital hawk" I speak up. Miguel quickly covers my mouth with his hand.

Hawk then starts to come up to me as Dad stops him. "Hey! You better watch it. Both of you" he says to me and hawk. I roll my eyes, as Miguel slowly removes his hand from my mouth.

My dad walks up to hawk, as he backs up a little. "You listen up. When you came into my dojo, you were softer than a babys ass. I made what you are, not Kreese!" My dad says to hawk, in his face. Hawk looks away.

As he should. "He doesn't give a sh*t about you. About any of you!" He says looking at everyone else, in the group. Me and Miguel look at each other, then back at my dad. "If you wanna keep whining about the past like a bunch of pus*es, fine. We can play that game"

"Wanna stick with Kreese? Go ahead. Dont say I didn't warn you when your life ends up in the shi*ter. Or you could suck up and join my dojo" Dad says.

The boys look at each other. My dad proved them wrong, as he should. "Havenhurst and Magnolia, tomorrow at 4:00. If you wanna save yourselves train the right better be there." He says walking away. "And don't be late!" He says pushing threw kids.

I giggle, as Miguel smiles. My dad then smacks books out of a kids hand. I laugh. "Sorry kid, old habit" he says. I shake my head, he then leaves. "Want me to drop you off in class?" Miguel asks. I laugh, as we start walking away. "We have the same class next together dummy" I say.

"Oh.." he laughs. We start walking to our class, we finally get there.

We sit next to each other. "We have assigned seats, so Miguel Diaz up in the front please" the teacher says. Miguel shakes his head getting up going to his seat.

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