A day full of thoughts

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Izuku was running hurrying to give Vlad King some materials for his class and suddenly he collided with someone's chest

"S-sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going.."

A hand was offered to him and he gladly took it "I'm Izuku," "Shinsou."

Suddenly the bell rang "Oh! I gotta go talk to you later Shinsou!" And with that he was off

Time skip

While at lunch Izuku was walking with Kendo, he soon spotted a familiar purple boy "Hey Kendo, I'm going to eat over there okay?" Kendo looked at Shinsou then back to Izuku "Mkay, see you later then!"

Izuku happily made his way towards Shinsou and sat across him "Hi! It's me Izuku, from this morning" Shinsou looked up at him confused

'Why is he here?'

"Hey.." Shinsou continued to play with his food as Izuku kept making small talk to try and befriend the purple insomniac

Soon enough the bell rang signaling the students had to get back to class

Standing up Izuku waved at Shinsou running back to 1-B

Time skip

Shinsou was confused, he wasn't paying attention to what the teacher was talking about but to the thought of why Izuku chose to eat with him.

No one liked him because he had a "villainous quirk" he was sure once the boy had found out he would turn away like everyone else..

"Shinsou? Are you paying attention?"

Suddenly the class has turned all their attention on him

"Yeah.. sorry."

After class Shinsou went to his locker only to be shoved onto the floor damaging his nose in the process

"Ha! Look at how pathetic he is."

One of the three boys leaned down to him

"You shouldn't even be in this school. You lowly villain."


A villain.. that was all he was to this cruel world a pathetic villain who should just give up on his dream.

He couldn't even manage to get in the hero course. He was a joke.

'Maybe I should just give-'


Soon his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. He looked back 'Oh.. it's him'

"Leave him alone!" The three boys turned their attention towards Izuku and one got in his face "What are you gonna do short stack?"

Using his strength enhancement Izuku punched the main kid breaking his nose in the process

The other two tried attacking but Izuku just took one and threw him at the other guy making them harshly make contact with the wall

"I said. Leave. Him. Alone."

The two boys that were thrown to the wall rushed and picked up the other guy Izuku had knocked out running away

"You'll pay for this! Just you wait, we're going to tell principal Nedzu about what you did!"

Izuku turned his attention towards the boy frozen on the floor and held his hand out

Look up at Izuku Shinsou hesitatingly took his hand "Thanks.."

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Izuku continued to bombard him with questions like a worried mother

"I'm fine. My nose is just a bit sore.." Izuku stared at him for a moment "Why were they doing that to you? Why did they say you were a villain?"

Shinsou sighed, 'Here we go..' It's because of my quirk.. it's called brainwash, I can command people to do stuff and make them forget things too."

He waited for the insults to come, for him to be once again feel alone

But the insults never came.

Instead, he was met with sparkling eyes "Wow! That's really cool!" Shinsou looked at him with disbelief

"You.. don't think it's.. bad?" Izuku shook his head "No! Not at all! I think your quirk is awesome!"

Shinsou looked down ".. It's not about what quirk you have Shinsou.. but what you decide to use it for.. and I personally think that you can become a great hero with your quirk"

Shinsou was wide eyed and a smile formed on his face

"Thanks Izu.."

Since some of you guys wanted Shinsou I decided to make a chapter for him

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