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Nedzu's P.O.V

I still remember that day..

The day I met my beloved son.


Nedzu was in a lab. He was one of the lab rats there. One day, the scientists had brought something to the lab... a child. He was only 4. He was also quirkless. The doctors would inject quirks into the child. Eventually him and the child got to talk to one another. Apparently the child's name was Izuku Midoriya, his mother deceased and his father unknown. Over time Nedzu had grown to take a liking to the child and was heart broken to hear his screams of pain as the scientists experimented on him.

~A few months later~

Nedzu couldn't bare it any longer he wanted to leave and take Izuku with him. He made a plan over the months and they were about to escape.

This is where their life began

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