Spam Musubi

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Arguably, the worst way to wake up when you're hungover is with bright lights and loud noises. So when Camila woke up the next morning to her boyfriend loudly watching old Seinfeld reruns and light pouring through the large glass door to their balcony, she understandably groaned in annoyance.

"Can you please turn that down?" she pleaded as she pulled a pillow over her face to block the light.

"What?" he snickered. "Is being the party girl not as fun as you had imagined it would be?"

"Just because I have a hangover doesn't mean I didn't have fun." She pulled the pillow off her face and slowly squinted her eyes open, letting her eyes adjust to the light of day. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand. She internally scolded herself after seeing her drunken text conversation with Shawn from the night before. While it definitely could've been worse, it still wasn't great. She was at least relieved to see that he had hooked her up with some Advil. She dragged herself out of bed and opened their door to retrieve the bag from where it had been hanging on their door handle. James watched her from the corner of his eye as she slowly walked back to the bed and popped a couple of Advil, washing it down using the water Shawn had left on her nightstand.

"How late were you out last night?"

"I don't remember," Camila honestly answered, her voice quiet. James scoffed and rolled his eyes at her response.

"I really hope this rebellious phase doesn't last long," he muttered under his breath. Camila's eyes snapped over to him, her brows furrowed.

"What fucking rebellious phase?"

"Don't curse at me."

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"You know what? Just forget it. It's our second-to-last day here. Let's just get through the rest of this vacation and then we can go back home and everything can go back to normal." He turned away from her and faced the TV again. Camila wanted to cry. She wanted to cry so badly but she didn't want him to see it.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," she choked out before quickly making her way into the bathroom and locking the door behind her. She let herself cry in the shower. She needed to. She was confused and tired and her head still felt like it was throbbing. After getting out of the shower and getting ready for the day, she decided to text Shawn.

C: Thanks for putting up with my drunk ass last night. Sorry if I was a mess. Lol.

S: It was no problem - really. I had a good time. It was fun to watch you have fun. :)

Camila smiled at his response; a response that was so much different from the way her boyfriend had greeted her this morning. James apologized while the two of them got breakfast and while Camila could tell it was a sincere apology, she also knew he was only really apologizing for raising his voice at her. He meant every word he had said. He tried to make up for it by getting them a couple's massage. While Camila enjoyed the massage, it wasn't as romantic as it probably should've been.

She didn't get to see Shawn all day, and while she probably shouldn't have been as upset about that as she was she couldn't help but feel like she was missing out.

"Where's Shawn?" she asked casually as her and James sat at dinner with Dawn and Michael.

"He spent the day out of the resort for the day," Dawn replied. "He was very excited about finding a place to get some good spam musubi for dinner." James switched the subject and started talking about medical school with his parents. Camila sighed and poked at the food at her plate with her fork. Medical school was literally the last thing she wanted to talk about. She couldn't help but let her mind wander to what Shawn was doing right now. Did he find his musubi? Was he eating dinner alone or did he find someone to join him? Was he thinking about her too? She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and held it in her lap under the table as she texted him.

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