A Tent on a Beach

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"So he was just...cool with it?"

"I guess," Camila sighed as she fell back onto the bed. "It was a good talk. He seemed really understanding."

"And he's not pissed at me?"

"Didn't seem to be," she shrugged. Shawn fell back onto the bed next to her. They both turned their heads to face each other, their breath mingling and their noses brushing.

"Can I kiss you again?"

"I like that you're only asking now that I'm single," she giggled. His cheeks reddened. "But yes, you can kiss me." He wasted no time in closing the space between them and kissing her. It was only the third time they had kissed but he already knew that he'd be more than okay with kissing her forever.

"So what now?" he asked as he pulled away.

"James asked the same thing. I have no fucking idea."

"Do you wanna stay here in Hawaii for a little bit longer? Just the two of us?"

"Yeah? We can do that?" Shawn could see that same light in her eyes; the one that drew him to her in the first place.

"We can do whatever you want." He brought his hand up to run it through her hair. "Granted, I don't know that I can afford staying here so we might need to find some place outside of the resort to stay." Camila bit her bottom lip to contain the wide smile that was threatening to take over her face.

"That sounds really wonderful."

"Do you need to call work or something? Are they expecting you back?"

"Can I be honest?"

"Of course," he sincerely replied.

"I never really wanted to be a nurse."



"So do you wanna just travel around the world with me and make out?"

"Can we do more than make out?" she asked shyly as she buried her face against his arm. He laughed and kissed the top of her head again.

"I mean that sounds like a good plan to me." They talked about the future of their life together until they eventually drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. Camila smiled from ear to ear when she woke up in his arms with her face against his chest. His scent overwhelmed her senses and she had no other way to describe the sensation than finally feeling like she was home. Despite being so far from the place she actually lived, she felt at home.

Dawn, Michael and James had left early that morning. Camila received a long, heartfelt text from Dawn that confirmed what James had told her the night before: they weren't mad at her. In fact, they were happy that her and Shawn found happiness together, even if the entire situation was incredibly confusing for them.

Shawn and Camila checked out of the hotel and loaded up their bags into a rental car that they had gotten earlier that morning. They didn't have a place to stay as of right now but they could iron out those details later. Right now they just focused on spending their entire day exploring the island. Shawn took Camila to the restaurant where he had gotten the spam musubi a few nights prior because she wanted to try it. While they ate he searched on his phone to find a place for them to stay.

"Ok...do you want the good news first? Or the bad news?"

"Hmm...good news first."

"I got us a place to stay."

"Bad news?"

"We can't get in until tomorrow."

"So where are we staying tonight?" she asked as she took another bite.

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