Woken Bye Piercing Screams

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1938 November 16th - five days after the night of broken glass-

I've finally gathered enough motivation to write about the Kristallnacht, the night I will never forget. Even thinking about it brings me back to the dreading moment.

The warmth of the town turned cold as Soldiers poured into the streets in large groups. One by one stores were smashed open, glass shattering everywhere.

The screams of Jews running through the streets. The crying wails as people watch their loved ones get beaten. We weren't warned, well they weren't warned, fortunately I was hidden from the Nazis. Without a word from Papa and Mama I hid under the floorboards as they were out for many more hours to come.

I stayed silent even when I heard the windows of our crib being smashed open, even when I saw the dust above my head cascade down upon me along with the deafening footsteps. Each one sending an anxious feeling in my stomach, Causing me to swallow the nervous lump in my throat every couple seconds. Once the loud shouts faded away into the distance and the soldiers had left I waited for what felt like hours until finally inhaling, not realising how long I had been holding my breath for.

Papa and mama never came back, even when the streets turned quiet. Days had passed of silence in the crib and still no calming cheerful voice that always used to fill the air.

I only come out when I know it's safe, not into the streets but out and around the house. Sometimes I even get a glimpse of the night sky. The view's always breathtaking. I miss the warm heat of the sun on my face, little things I paid no attention to before, are now the only thing my eyes can pay attention to.

That night after the Kristallnact, I stayed awake not daring to shut my eyes for no longer than a couple of seconds.

I have no choice but to pick a night, after every mind has drifted to an unconscious state. I will run and not look back, I have to. I can not survive as a Jewish on my own. Whatever happened to Mama and papa I must ignore it. I wonder where they are this very second but all I know for sure is that they're gone and are never coming back. They could've been killed on the night or they could be alive and healthy but it's too dangerous for them to come back. Whatever it is that happened to them I must not let it distract me.

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