Fuck You!

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After the 5 were gone, Daichi was angry and turn to Tsukki. "WHY FOR GOD SAKE WOULD YOU ASKED THAT!?!" He shouted. "What do you want?! We got some information on their past!"retorted Tsukki. "Do you even get what the fuck just happen? The 5 were talking to us again about something else than things that has to do with training. And you probably just fucking ruin it! I don't want to lose good friends because you couldn't keep your mouth shut!" raged Bokuto. "Is he even your friends or sees you like one if they didn't tell you information like this about his past?" asked Kageyame wondering if he ever really knew Hinata. 'Cause of this, everyone began to fight with each other. Their either took Bokutos side or had the same or simlar opinion as Tsukkishima. The ones like Yachi, Yamaguchi or Lev tried to get everyone to calm down before someone threw a fist. Ennoshita and Kinoshita had to held back Tanaka and Noya from jumping Tsukkishima. The same was with Kenma, Yaku, Yamamoto and Bokuto who wanted to rip out his throat. Daichi could controle him self a bit more and restrain himself from hitting Tsukkishimas and Kageyamas faces. He wante to hit both for being this uncaring for others feelings. 

Because it escaleted, it got the attention of the coachs/teachers who were discussing the rest of the match from Karasuno vs Mix. "Calm down! What happen that it became like this?" Nekomata asked seeing his team restraining 3 of their own, who looked like their were about to kill someone. " Um well w-we w-we-were-" Yachi tried to explain stuttering 'cause she was overwhelmed from the whole situation. Akaashi let his team get hold of Bokuto and went to help Yachi explain, seeing the poor girl trying her best. "We were  playing truth or dare together including Hinata, Suga, Kiyoko, Kuroo and Oikawa. At first the 5 didn't want to play but joined after being dragged to  the sitting circle. It went quiet good and everyone had fun, but then Tsukishima asked more like tried to ask Kuroo what happened in his past and the reason he didn't tell someone or something alonge the line. He was interupted by Kuroo, who ended the game and the 5 were about to walk away, when Yachi begged them to stay and that they don't have to answer it. A few of the older ones nodded in agreement since it was the first time they really talked to us again we didn't wanted to lose it. They  did stopped and responded saying that they would stay if they didn't know that some of the team members would try to get answers since they weren't as dumb as we would think. Suga also added to Hinata 's statment that they did expected someone to ask. Iwazumi asked why they wouldn't tell.  Oikawa said that we wouldn't understand. He and Kuroo got angrier. Kuroo then asked  if we would like to know somethings to which Daichi reply that we wanted but only if it was okay for them to tell us." Akaashi stopped. "Well  what happened next? They wouldn't look like trying to kill anyone if it was just that. Don't get me worng they would be hella pissed but not ready to kill." said Ukai gesturing to the group who tried to get their hands on Tsukkishima. Akaashi begin to talk again while Noai and Takeda went to calm the group of teens trying to murder down. "Well Kuroo did let us know something of what they went through.... he said that they and other kids were raised and then got send to their death, which only he knew about... Not only that but his biological mother was the one who did that..... he mentioned that he made a deal with her to protect two important people to him and to make sure they  would live to at least 12 years..."There was silence none of the adults knew how to handel the new information. It did explain them the things from the newsarticle they heard. But it was still hard to accept that it was what the 5 live through at a young age. It wasn't that they didn't beive it, it just sicken them to know someone did this to childrens.

It did take nearly 2 hours to calm the ones try to kill down. The adults decided that everyone should try to relax and to cancel afternoon practise. Yachi and Kenma went to inform the 5 about the cancellation. Th two were chosen 'cause they were the ones who were close too at least one, didn't presse the matter and had the best chance , at least thought the group of teens, to be able to talk with all 5 to apologize. The two knocked on the door of the room the 5  shared. It took a few minutes but Hinata came and opening the dooor just enough to see who it was. When he saw who it was he stept outside. "Do you two need something?" he asked the two. "No not really we just wanted to let you guys know about a decision the coaches made and to apologize for Tsukkishima and the behaviour of us. Could we maybe talk inside with all of you?" asked Yachi. Seeing the worry on the faces of both and the honesty, Hinata decided to quickly ask ther others if it was okay for them. All of them didn't saw a problem with the two coming inside. As soon as Kenma got inside he saw the tear stained face of Kuroo who laid on the ground and just throw himself at him hugging him thightly. At first Kuroo flinched but then hugged back. Yachi on the other hand was overthinking the whole thing and became scared that she would mess it up. The 5 noticed this. "So what did you want to say?" Suga sitting not far from Kuroo. "Huh? Aha yes. the coaches canceled the afternoon practice seeing that 4 looked ready to kill Tsukkishima but were held backby others and 2 ready to kick the shit out of him and Iwazumi, they got held back too and Daichi was looked like he wanted to punch Tsukkishima and Kageyama but restrained himself from doing it." Yachi replied. "If we didn't get held back that bitch would have been dead for real." muttered Kenma slowly letting go of Kuroo. "Thanks, i guess. But why did Daichi want to hit Kageyama?"  Hinata asked. "After you went away, he first shouted at Tsukkishima. Tsukkishima retorted something  and this set off Bokuto, who said he didn't want to lose ggood friends only because he could keep his mouth shut. Then Kageyama asked if you guys really friends of him or see him as one, because you didn't tell him. This was the reason." Kenma replied to Hinatas question. "Well i don't think he did mean any harm and were just wondering. He just didn't word it well." stated Kiyoko. "I hate to ask this but could you bring us food later for dinner. I don't think it would bee a good idea to go by ourself seeing what happen." Suga asked Yachi and Kenma looking apology. "Sure, but we would probably need the help of one or two others." commented Yachi , Kenma just nodded. "You are life saver and it's fine if few others help you ."Kiyoko said. " oh and could you say the others, who tried to either punch or kill Tsukkishima that we are happy they were defending us but they don't need to kill or punch him." she added. "And Bokuto that  we ddo think of him as a friend, but didn't tell him because we don't like talking about it." Kuroo  added.

The two visitor left to relay the messages and returned later with Daichi, Akaashi, Bokuto and Yaku who help bring the food. They chatted a bit before leaving to eat themself.

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