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The next morning the 5 prepared like always. They knew the coachs/teacher are going to question them about the day before and the things said. When they went to go to the cafeteria, they were met with Daichi, Kenma, Bokuto, Asahi and Iwazumi half of the way carrying food. "Oh hey, umm we thought that you maybe wanted to eat in your room again because of what happened yesterday and wanted to bring you food." Daichi explained. Suga chuckled a little. "That's quiet thoughtfull of you, thanks, but you don't need to  be nervous." he saidd noticing the littel shaking of Daichis hands. "Well if that's the case why not eat all together in our room. You would only need to get your food while we are waiting here." Oikawa suggested happy not to meet the other especaly Tsukkishima. The others either grind or nodded in agreement. With that Daichi, Kenma, Bokuto, Ashai and Iwazumi gave the food to the other five and went to get their share of food and informing the coaches/teachers that they are going to eat with the 5 in their room. 

"Hey do you think we should tell them? I mean we all have this bad feeling since we arrived, if somethings really happen it would be helpfull if at least a few other knew about it." Kiyoko asked the others. "Maybe, but will they believe us?" voiced Hinata. "It would help and  i don't think it would be that bad to talk it 'bout it to someone else." stated Suga. "I don't think we should. Sure they could be helpfull if something happend but i think they would more likly think we are either lying or crazy." Kuroo said. "I would side with Suga. We kept quiet about it fo so long maybe it's time to talk to somebody." Oikawa comented."So it's the majority is for telling them, Sorry Kuroo but we are going to tell them."Suga summed up. "Fine." responded Kuroo. They thought about how they gonna tell them about it. Their Thoughts were intrupted by the 5 others returning. 

"After we finished eating, we decided to tell you about our past 'cause since we the day we arrived all of us have a bad feeling like something is going to happen and we thought it would be good if a few knew about our past since it could related to it. You can't tell the others, not even the coaches/teachers. We may tell Akaashi and Terushima since they are quiet observant and relaibale." Oikawa said walking to the group walking behind him. "We swear to not say a thing to others." all 5 said at the same time making the 5 infront laugh. "You sure remaind us of the other kids." Hinata wisphered but the 5 in question heard it.

They were eating. "Do you think telling us will take a while if so i would text Ennoshita to tell the coachs that we aren't going to take part in the morning practice because of personal reason, i think they would understand it."asked Daichi. "You probably should because you are going to hear every important aspect of our lifes." Kuroo replied. After he texted Ennoshita he got the reply that the practice from the whole day would be voluntary. "Well that makes things easier. the coaches made todays practice voluntary" Daichi informed the others. "It makes sense. They know that everyone heard some cruel things and than the fight. Not everyone would be able to train today." Kuroo reasoned."Plus they probably want to talk about it with us." added Hinata. "I do wonder why you didn't say something like that to a person and why you don't seem to tell your story to the coaches/teachers?" wondered Asahai out loud.  "You may understand it if you hear our story." The rest of the time they ate was silent.

While this happen the coaches/teacher were talking after they got informed from Ennoshita that Daichi, Asahi, Kenma, Bokuto and Iwazumi were staying with the 5 mysterious teens. "You know we have to talk with them about what Kuroo said yesterday,right?" asked Irhiata. "Yeah, but we can't just go and demand that they give us answers. From what i saw and hear the last days, they are not going to talk if they don't want or even say something what isn't true, just to get us out their personal lives." cuntered Ukai. "Maybe they will come to us and talk if we give them some space." suggested Takeda. "They aren't planning on going to tell you, but if it helps they do want to talk to a few they aperantly trust." said Kunimi, who heard the 5 talking among them and with the other 5 by accident. "Who are they gonna talk too? and when?" asked Irhiata. "Sorry coach, but i'm not going tell, i only heard it by accident." Kunimi apologized and going away. "It's good they plan on talking with at least someone even if we don't know who." Takeda comented, glade the 5 are going to talk with somebody about their no doubt traumtizing  past, but also a little hurt that the 3 from Karasuno didn't trust him enough to tell him. "I just hope that whoever they telling don't make things worser." muttered Ukai. "Those kids are smart, I think, we should trust their jugdmante to choice the right ones to talk to." Nekomata tried reassuring the other but also himself. 

Breakfast was over and those who wanted could go to the gym and train with the coaches giving tipps. "Were are Daichi and Asahi ? I didn't see them since they went to eat with the 5." asked Kageyama. "They aren't up for practice." was the reply of Ukai. "They are probaly still with them including our vice captain." said Watari. "Kenma is there too. I'm 100% sure about that." commented the vice captain of Nekoma. "Sometimes i forgot that cats can talk" Tanaka joked. "Same goes for crows." came from Yaku, seeing that Tanaka tried lightend the mood. Some players of other teams laugh quietly at that.

The coaches tried concentrating an their task befor them, but they couldn't help but think of the 5 like they seemed to been dupped and what they heard about them. The coachs from Nekoma, Karasuno and Seijoh just hope that they can help the 5 in some kind of way. The team just didn't know what they should do after they heard a bit about their past whatwas just fucked up for them. Some felt pity other made up their mind to help the 5 in anyway they possibal could.

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