The first mission

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I go to the meeting room to see all the other operators who were getting ready for the mission there. Six goes up to the microphone. Six: today you are going on a mission to New Brunswick Canada. Lion: Does HE really have to come? He points at me when he says this. Six: yes he does this is his first mission with us and i can guarantee he will not betray you all. We go to the armoury and get our loadouts and hop on the helicopter. We get there and quickly start exterminating the white masks inside (cue song up top) I'm the last one to leave and as I'm on my way out I see the helicopter taking off with the other operators looking smugly at me as they leave me stranded there. Lion: you'll fit right back in with your white mask pals don't worry!

Timeskip to landing
Lion POV

The white mask is finally out of our base and can't do anymore spying like the scum he is, now all we have to do is report back to Six. We're walking down the halls smugly on our way to six's office for our mission report when his door slams open and all I hear is. Ash, Buck, Lion and Twitch come to my office this instant!! The other operators look at us shocked cause six never gets that angry.


I cannot believe those 4!! Going against my direct word just to spite someone who is trying to rebuild there life from the ruins that it was left in. (Sure it required some encouragement but he came around all the same.) Just for me to watch the live feed and see them ditch him with no reason other than his past like they don't all have fucked up pasts of there own. They walk into my office seemingly concerned. Lion. What do you need Six? Six: can you please tell me where Y/N is? Ash: he was caught in an explosion and we couldn't find any dog tags or anything else. Six: well that's funny cause that's not what our lovely video tape showed. They all look horrified but quickly cover it up. Twitch: w-what do you mean Six? Six: Before the mission I equipped Y/N with a video camera to have a live viewing of the mission and my was I surprised when I saw the results of the mission and what I saw was the worst display of loyalty and teamwork ever, PURPOSEFULLY LEAVING ANOTHER OPERATOR BEHIND PURELY BECAUSE YOU HAVE GRUDGES!! Do you know how this will affect the Bosak sister's purely because of your blind rage!? In fact let's call them in, tell em the news. Six on comms: Can Ela and Zofia Bosak please report to my office. When they show up they look curious and the other operators look scared. Six: Go ahead tell them what happened to Y/N. Ela: Wait what happened to our brother!? They stay silent and the sisters start getting aggressive. Zofia slams Ash against the wall. Zofia: what the hell happened to my goddamn brother you piece of shit!? Six: you tell them or I tell them it doesn't matter what you choose it will happen right here, right now. Lion: You're brother...died. Trying to lie through his teeth. Ela looked like she was gonna start crying when Six spoke up. Six: Bullshit, complete and utter bullshit, you can't even speak the truth when all of the evidence is stacked against you. Zofia through gritted teeth: So Y/N isn't dead? Six: No, as a matter of fact, these four abandoned him purely because of his past and with no second thought all but handed him off to the white masks branded as a traitor. Zofia then grabs her knife: Why the hell should I not kill you all right now? Buck: because we've known you for all these years and it's just one guy. Ela: THAT ONE GUY WAS OUR BROTHER YOU PIECE OF SHIT. After saying that she proceeds to grab her knife and the other four all grab there's. Six: EVERYONE ENOUGH!! I know you're angry Bosak's and with good reason but believe me they will get a fair judgement and if you attack them you will also have to receive some sort of punishment. Ela: do we have eyes on him anymore? Six: No, he shut off his camera assuming it was our plan and that we were trying to set him ip and make him get captured by the white masks, now everyone, dismissed. They all leave the room with the Bosak sisters glaring at the other four with a fantastic reason.

??? POV

"So Y/N is out in the open now huh?" ???: Yes sir you'll be able to capture him at the deployment site. "Keep up the good work"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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