Chaoter Elven

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"Freeze? Stop... Um... For five let them dine?" I said trying spells under my breath. One of them worked. "Remove." I was whispered removing the spell that covered her, only me, Sam, Izzy, Remus and mom were unfrozen. "Uncle Remus!" I yelled, "Turn around!"


She was gone in a poof of red fire.

"Allie..." I heard Remus whisper before I unfroze everything trying not to be disappointed, but I now knew she watching over.

That night I wrote a letter;

Dear Mum,
I am aware that you have your reasons for not staying, but now me, Sam, Izzy and even Remus are in danger. Sirius Black is no father to me. And I am sorry to say that you aren't much of a mother either. I need answers. Why? Why did you leave? What did he do? Why can't I have been placed with my sisters? Did you keep us apart for a reason?
And another thing mother, do not watch over us. They need to work on their own now. And let Remus go. Let him find love. It is one of the only ways his disease will get better and I am aware that you know this. I am smart.

I did not sign my name. I knew she was watching, and soon the pen started to move on it's own on a new pice of parchment.

I need you to focus on Sirius Black, myself and Petter Pettigrew. You will find your answers. Look for Nymphadora Tonks. She will help... A third cousin of yours on your fathers side... Like Draco. And love that Weasley Boy. It will do something you will never regret.


I laid in the grass, my head touching Fred's. George was on a date with Angelina, another girl I hung around with in fifth year. I watched as the clouds go by. "I'm sorry your missing Hogsmead... I just thought it'd be safer for me to stay here, Sam is staying back as well." I told him. I heard him mumble a yes. "Fred..." I heard him mumble again, "what would you do if there were a dance or ball or something here?"

"I don't know."

I sighed frustrated, "Oh come one, if you could dance with any girl... Who?"

"I don't know... Sam?" He said, I felt jealousy rise up from inside me which made me angry because I shouldn't be jealous, and sad because I knew of my feelings towards him, and guilty because I had no intention of telling him, and just over all confused.

"I'm gonna go back up to the castle." I mumbled trying not to cry, sadness was sadly winning.

"Here... I'll walk you." He said jumping up, I shock my head very quickly.

"No. No, I... I... I have to... I'm on my period!" I said trying to come up with a good excuse. I failed miserably and ended up embarrassing myself horribly. I ran up to the castle in shock. My face all red, tears falling down... I didn't make it up to the dorm. I sat next to a witch statue crying. That's when George came. "Go away Fred."

"God! You never get us mixed up!" George laughed, I sniffed a laugh. "What's wrong Rosie." Only George called me Rosie, every one else called me Ann. George was also the only one who knew of my feelings towards Fred.

"I'm... I'm... I'm sorry... Your brother is a git." I told him hiccuping, George wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I stopped crying and looked at him. He kissed me.

"God... I'm sorry Ann..." He said after he realized what he had done. I gave him a small smile.

"Hey... I had to have my first kiss eventually." I told him, "and I'm glad it was with a good friend like you."

Helpless Dreams (A Sirius Black daughter and Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now