
793 24 57

tw: alcohol use, drugs, physical abuse, homophobia, slurs, yelling, gay (duh)

ages: wilbur-17 techno-19 schlatt-17 tommy-8 phil-39

[wilburs third person pov]

there was a happy family once, two parents and three kids. but nothing lasts forever...

now there is 4 of them

after years and years of staying in the same place phil got sick of it

sick of everything

he's genuinely a pretty chill guy but he couldn't handle it anymore

this house, this town

everything reminds him of Kristen

so once he got the option to leave for work, AND get his kids good education he took it

an amazing hospital for his work

a perfect local collage for his eldest child

a good elementary right around the block for his youngest

and a juvenile catholic boarding school for his middle child

that seems a little off

but you'll see why eventually

[schlatt third person pov]

he had never had a good father figure

with his real dad leaving as soon as he heard she was pregnant

and his step father being a raging homophobic and alcoholic

at least he had his mom right?


she's always on some time of illegal drug

so one could say he didn't grow up under the best circumstances

so when he hit his teenage years he immediately stopped caring

he realized that nobody truly cared about him so he could do whatever the fuck he wanted and nobody would even squint an eye

that was until his step father started getting into his business

it's not that schlatt couldn't hit back

he could kill his step father if he wanted too

but he knew his mother would be heartbroken

no matter how many times he hits schlatt or her she still relies on him

not for money, but for attention

she emotionally needs support and him leaving would cause her to lose that

so schlatt knew she would choose her husband over her son

but he didn't expect that when he came out

and his step father sent him to a juvenile catholic boarding school

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