Chapter 3

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The next morning, I was woken up by the delightful sound of yet another alarm. I groaned and wiped my palm down the side of my face trying to wake me up enough to look at my phone. I reached for my phone and clasped my hand around the cool metal frame. When I looked at the time, I realised it was mot only Monday, but also 8:45 that left me with 15 minuets to get up, get dressed and get to my vet surgery.

I cursed under my breath as I quickly got out of bed and rushed to the bath room. I froze when I saw my reflection. My hair was spiked in every direction and my make up was all over the place. I splashed Water in my face to clear the make up smudges and ran a brush threw my hair pulling it up into a ponytail. I rushed into my closest and threw on my uniform before giving Ace some food and water and rushing out my house.

When I pulled into the surgery, I was only one minuet late. Awesome! Even though they can't fire me doesn't mean I don't want to let my staff down. I parked my bike and rushed threw the doors into reception.

"Hey Riley, your first appointment is waiting in room 3 for you," my best friend and receptionist May said. I also swear she just winked at me, she also looks unbelievably happy, I wonder why? "What happened, your never late?" She asked with a voice full of concern.

"I'm fine, just over slept. I'll talk to you latter. And thanks" I said in a rushed tone walking to room 3 to meet my appointment.

When I walked in to the room and was shocked to see a grey pitball standing on the table with his owner standing with his back to me. I know who it was and to say I was surprised would be an understatement.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have professionals who come to your house to treat Driver?" I asked making him turn around to face me, a smile plastered on his face.

"Well, I don't know anyone more qualified to help Driver than you." He said with nothing but truth in his eyes. This made a wide smile appear on my face as he said so.

"Well then," I said getting down to business and walking to the other side of the table." What the problem?" I asked patting Driver in the head causing him to bark.

"He's been walking funny, with a kind of limp on his front right paw." Josh said wiping the smile of his face and replacing it with concern. With that I lifted up Drivers paw to see my suspicions were correct.

"He's got a thorn stuck in his paw, it easy to get out and he should be fine." I said looking Josh in the eye. Relief flooded his features as I told him the news. I went over to the cupboard to find some tweezers to remove the thorn. I went back over and removed the thorn with ease.

Driver instantly looked a lot more comfortable and relaxed, I patted him on the head and gave him a treat to let him know what great pup he was.

"Thanks, I was getting worried that it was something serious. But it's good to know that it's just a thorn. Thanks again Riley." He spoke with relief and thanks, which caused me to smile.

"It fine, anytime. Is there anything else I can help you with?" I question him. He seems to think for a moment before answering

"Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Umm, I don't get of work till 10 since one of my nurses are ill and I have to cover there shift, but how about Wednesday? I only have to work a half shift so I'll finish at 12 noon, we could go grab lunch if you want?" I asked with an apologetic smile.

"Sure, I don't have work for a while now so when ever should be fine." He said with a smile even though I could see the hurt he was so desperately trying to cover up. Did he have something planed? No, I only net this guy yesterday so why would he go out of his way to do something for me? I'm practically a stranger to him.

"Ok, cool. So should we meet at the park for about 1ish? It will give me time to get out of this horrible uniform." I asked unable to look in his eyes.

"Sounds good. See you than, I have to go and see my mum so I better go. See you soon Riley." With that he walked out the door with Driver at his heels wagging his tail madly.

"Bye Josh." I shouted after him. He turned around at waved at me and I waved back. He walked out of the building leaving me standing there in the door way.

I decided that I owed May an explanation of why a famous actor was in a small vet surgery simply because I worked here. Let's just say that she is probably one of Josh's biggest fans so you can tell what this is going to be like. Wish me luck.

The rest of the day was normal, I treated a dog with a Brocken bone and even had to cut a little Jack Russell out of a lamp shade he manage to get round his head. Classic. The worst part about today was that I had to tell a little girl the sad news about her hamster. I know how she felt and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

When I got home at 10:15, I was ready to hit the hay but when I entered my room I found Ace already asleep on my bed rapped up in all my blankets and snoring a bit. This put a smile on my face, I hate leaving him here alone but I can't exactly take him with me.

With that, I got ready for bed and cuddled up to my best friend. I was dreading tomorrow, having to go throw all of this again will kill me. But right now I could focus on sleep, one of the best things in the world. Sleep.

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