Chapter 8

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It's been 3 days since Josh left and too be honest I miss him. I miss having him around to talk too and just generally his presence. Is that weird? Well let's just say it's not.

It hasn't been too bad, I've had the 3 guys keeping me company and surprisingly in a few days we've become good friends. We mainly just hang out by the beach or walking around the town, letting the guys get to know the place.

I've found out a lot about them, Joe is 25 and plays fly half for the sale sharks he also has a girlfriend at home who's a doctor, George is 22 and also plays fly half for bath rugby, Jo is 18 and is more into technology than sport which is strange since he comes from a strong rugby background.

Me and George have become close, out of his siblings he is decently closer to me than the others are. Yesterday on the beach he challenged me to a one on one game of rugby, he let me get a couple of try's at the beginning but after a while he realised I wasn't as bad as I said I was which was a moment too late since I had the game in the bag.

Today we're going horse riding which should be fun and hopefully take my mind off of Josh. We hopped in the car and took off in the direction of my friends equine centre.

30 minuets later, we arrived at the centre. We pulled up outside the barn where Hannah was waiting for us.

"Hey Hannah, been a long time. How are you?" I ask as I hop out the car walking towards her.

"Good actually, I was going to call you, one of my horses are sick. I was wondering if you could look at her is you have time." She says as I get closer.

"Sure," by now the three boys were behind me "um, this is George, Jo and and Joe." I say pointing at them one by one.

"Hey guys, I'm Hannah." She introduces herself shaking their hands. The guys mutter 'heys' while shaking her hand.

"Well, let's go look at that horse." I say getting to business.


"Don't worry, she's only got a minor infection, some antibiotics should make it better. I'll bring some around tomorrow. Just put the tablets in her feed for the next week and then she'll be as good as new." I say given my analysis on her horse.

"Thanks so much! She's been acting up recently. Anyway, let's get going, the horses all ready tacked up. I'll get someone to bring them out." She says as she walks away.

"How did you know that horse had an infection?" Jo asks me

"Oh, well around the cut was puss and irritation also her temperature was high and her hay was untouched. All leading to infection." I explain

"You were amazing." George says giving me a grin.

"Thanks." I say smiling back.

Just then Hannah came back leading a black mare behind her.

"Hey guys, horses are waiting outside." She says leading the way.

We all followed behind in single file.

We all mounted up onto the horses, mine was a bay gilding thoroughbred X called rocky, were as everyone else had ever a black or chestnut horse. Hannah lead the ride, then Joe, Ho, George then finally me.

The ride was amazing, Let me just tell you galloping through a field in long grass makes you feel like your flying, taking away all your worries and sadness so only the feeling of being free was left.

We arrived back at the stables 2 hours later. 3 people came out of the barn retrieving the boys horses while me and Hannah lead ours back to their stables.

Whilst I was untacking rocky, George sneaked up on me causing me to spook.

"Ahh, don't ever do that again!" I yell at him only to have him laugh in repose.

"Oh, come on it was pretty funny. Plus your so cute when your scared." He laughs causing me to stare at him weirdly.

"What do you mean? How can I be cute and scared at the same time? Your one wired kid George." I say glaring at him. This caused his laughs to die down as he stepped into the stable.

"Anyway, I noticed how natural you looked out there, you must really love riding." He states changing the subject.

"Um, yer I used to ride every day. But then my studies got too much and I never had time. I eventually just stopped. Don't get me wrong, ridding always will be my favourite sport." I say remembering all the stress with exams and university.

"Oh, studies always do get in the way. If it wasn't for my dad being a rugby league legend then I would have given up rugby years ago." He said as if trying to imagine how his life would have turned out if he wasn't a rugby player.

Not liking all this touchy feelings stuff, I change the subject.

"Um, so want did you come here for?" I ask getting to the point.

"Well, I wanted to say thanks," he says taking a step closer, "and well thanks for making our trip so amazing."

"Ok." I say taking a step back but unfortunately hitting the stable wall. He's staring to feel me out.

"Yer, and I just wanted to say, it's been really fun being around you and hanging out." He says taking another step closer until we're only a foot away from each other. He looks me down making me squirm under his gaze. He's really freaking me out now.

"Um, George." I say gesturing to the distance between us. He doesn't seem to get what I'm hinting about.

"Yer?" He asked stepping closer still.

This causes me to freak out, I push him back causing him to stumble and fall into the straw. I stand there freaked out and panicked, I liked George but not in that way. He was a good friend but nothing more, I mean I nearly know him. I try and meet George's eyes but just as I lift up my head, he stormed out muttering an angry 'sorry' on his way out.

What just happened? I slide down the wall until I'm sitting. I must have been there for a good 5 minuets until I here my name called from down the over side of the barn, walking me up from my trance.

I stand up and pretend I've been untacking rocky this whole time, I don't feel like talking to anyone at the moment.

"You okay Riley?" Hannah comes in to check up on me.

"Yer, all done," I say taking off the finale pice of tacks and placing it onto the door of the stable. "thanks again for this afternoon, it's been great."

"That's fine, anytime. I'll take his tack back and you can go home the guys are getting restless. Just make sure it's not another 2 years before you visit again." She says pulling me into a desperately needed hug.

"Sure thing." I say hugging her back, "I'll see you soon, bye." I say pulling back walking out the stable.

"Bye." She yells after me.

I'm going to have to come here more, it's a good stress reliever also I think josh would love to have a ride one day. Just the thought of Josh brings a smile to my face, I can't wait till he gets backs from Kentucky. I miss him.

All the drive home was silent making everything awkward. As soon as I pulled up outside their hotel, George literally dived out the car.

"Thanks again Riley." Both Jo and Joe said hopping out the car as well.

Man, when did this trip get so tense? I thought as I pulled out of the hotel. All that kept me going was the thought of Netflix and Ben and Jerry's when I get home, the best comfort any girl could ask for. Except it would be better if Josh was here.

Hurry back Josh, I need you, hurry back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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