(4.5) Silent Yoga

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A humid wind had settled over the city of New Orleans as the leaves began to turn red and the city began its preparation of the spookiest night of the year. In the next couple of days, the streets would be littered with both tourist and natives of the city dressed as witches, vampires, and ghosts. It was a season of fantasy, and a time to entertain the creatures that lurked in the shadows. Though on this warm afternoon it found both a witch and a hybrid doing yoga for the last thirty minutes.

Eden was new to the activity, but she found that it was extremely calming on the days that she felt the world was imploding around her. Freya was a good sport about this and let Eden fumble her way around the first few sessions. It was about Eden's fourth attempt before she was able to really execute the stretches correctly. Currently, the reason that she had joined Freya was because she couldn't decide if she was madder at herself or her husband. She had no patience for anyone lately and that did not excuse the pair from her anger either. As she stretched down toward her legs and held her arm up she let out a relaxing breath. Why was she not doing this sooner-

"Incoming." Freya whispered from Eden's left. Snapping her eyes open, she let out an internal groan when she saw who was walking toward them.

"What are you doing here?" Klaus asked, his questioned addressed to his sister as she looked up at him.

"I live here." She reminded him as she stood up and moved into her next pose. Eden herself stood and began to position into tree pose. Eden tried to keep her eyes closed and her breathing steady as she willed Klaus not to address her. For his sake.

"Yes, obviously." He drawled. "I just hadn't realized that you were back from wherever it is that you go to when you leave. Honestly, I'm quite surprised to find the two of you here seeing as there have been a lack of male suitors around and Eden has taken to acting the same age as our daughter." He said snarkily. Eden let out a breath before she spoke, unsurprised that he had decided to speak to her.

Eden had been completely freezing Klaus out for the last few days. Since the incident at the police station, she wanted very little to do with Klaus as he had been keeping things from her and she was pissed to say in the least. She refused to share a bed with him, often opting to stay with Haven throughout the night and go to sleep when Klaus was up for the day. She had days to keep replaying the moment in her mind. Finding out that Klaus was keeping things from her that his therapist knew about. She was supposed to be his wife and the person that he could talk to, and yet he wasn't.

"Don't pay him any mind Freya, haven't you heard? Klaus is the only one who can have admirers." She said coldly as she dropped her leg and made eye contact with said hybrid. For his part, Klaus had his own glare to match his wife's and though Freya was not aware of the drama that was happening in front of her, she brought the attention back to Klaus.

"Your concern for my whereabouts is touching." She deadpanned, slipping back into another move. Klaus turned from Eden as he watched his sister and Eden dropped her hands as she stood up and began to roll up her mat, knowing that her peace was over.

"I simply want to know who is here at any given moment. I hardly think that's too much to ask." He defended. Eden rolled her eyes, but then turned to the sound of two heartbeats. Sure enough, Jana and Elijah came around the corner.

"Yeah, because that's a normal thing to do." Jana remarked as Elijah trailed behind her with a slight smirk on his face.

"Oh good," Klaus' tone sarcastic. "It's my not so loving elder brother and Buffy the Baby Napper. What a nice normal family gathering." Despite the fact that Eden was raving mad at Klaus, she snickered internally at the comment.

With a roll of her eyes, Jana crossed her arms. "I can see how my cousin fell for your charms." Turning her attention back to the room, she spoke again.

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