Apple Cider and Suspicious Bartenders

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A/N- I know that Arthur wouldn't be able to get Merlin a drink because of their statuses, but I decided to write this anyways. Hope you enjoy!

"Aw, c'mon Merlin," Arthur said, pushing the glass closer to him. "We made a bet and you lost. Now it's time to hold up your end of the bargain. You have to try a drink."

Merlin eyed the amber liquid warily. He'd only had a drink once before and it hadn't ended well. (Gaius, may, have made him clean the leech tank after...)

This time, Gaius was helping one of the outlying villages with deal with an outbreak of the flu, so he had no way out of this bet. Besides, if he told Arthur what happened last time he'd never hear the end of it. According to Arthur, Merlin had never had a drink in his life and Merlin wanted to keep it that way.

"I don't know..." But Merlin that Prat Face wasn't going to give up so he sighed gave in. He picked up the glass and, wanting to get it over with, downed it in one gulp. It tasted like apple juice except...different. It was more bitter and was...fizzy. It felt uncomfortably warm as it slid down his throat giving his body feeling a tingly sensation.

"Well?" Arthur asked curiously.

Merlin nodded. "That's strong." He croaked.

"No it's not, you're just sensitive," Arthur replied, then drank from his glass.

Looking around, Merlin felt happy. Now that he thought about it, he felt all though he were on top of the world. He didn't know why, but suddenly everything seemed great. His destiny and Morgana, all of it seemed distant. It'll work itself out, he decided.

The bartender, seeing that Merlin had finished, set down the glass he was wiping and walked over. "Can I get you anything?" He asked pleasantly.

"Can I have another?" Merlin asked. Even though he'd only had one glass, the alcohol was already having a slight effect.

"Are you sure?" Arthur inquired, an eyebrow raised.

The man laughed. "You can have anything you want." He grabbed a glass seemingly out of no where. He left for a few minutes and came back with a bottle. He seemed to be shaking it a little, Merlin absentmindedly noted. His eyes seemed to glint as they met Merlin's and he dropped a huge ice cube into the cup, pouring more of the golden heaven in.

Remembering to thank the bartender, Merlin smiled and drank some, swishing it around his mouth. It tasted the same as before, except it had a metallic taste. Thinking nothing of it, he downed the rest.

He put the glass down and considered asking for yet another when a wave of sleepiness swept over him. Blinking heavily he looked over at Arthur who was apparently talking to him.

"What?" Merlin asked. Arthur repeated what he said a little louder, but all Merlin heard was a faint mumbling.

Suddenly feeling very angry Merlin shouted, "If you can't talk properly then maybe you should...should...not be such a prat!"

Arthur sighed and said something about about his yelling. Yelling? Merlin thought. When was I yelling?

"Merlin, I think you should go home." Arthur suggested.

Merlin couldn't imagine why. He felt great! Maybe a little warm though... Actually, now that he thought about it, he felt hot, feverish even.

He giggled. "Why? You okay?"

"Yes," Arthur replied, being remarkably patient for a change, "but you're drunk."

"Am not, dollophead!" Merlin started, going to stand up, but found that his legs would no longer support him, and he flopped ungracefully into his chair. He looked up at Arthur, who seemed to be swaying, or was it Merlin?

He closed his eyes and put a hand to his head, which felt like it was stuffed with cotton. He opened them again and saw black surround the edges of his vision, threatening to cut off his sight.

This isn't normal, Merlin thought, drawing his eyebrows together.

With a little help from Arthur, they managed to get Merlin to Gaius's chambers. Merlin vaguely noticed Gaius wasn't there.

"C'mon, let's get you to bed, you idiot." Arthur stated.

"Ow." Merlin replied. "Do you 'ave to talk so 'oud?"

"I'm not." He said, and the pounding in Merlin's head increased as he stumbled towards his room.

By the time he was in bed, Merlin could feel sweat on his face and his stomach threatening to empty itself.

"I nev'r drink'n that 'gain," he mumbled.

Arthur snorted. "That's for sure. Honestly, if you can't even-"

Merlin let Arthur's speech fade into the background as the pounding in his head rose to a staccato and let darkness overtake him.

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