Let's Begin

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A/N- I feel like this is getting too complicated, ugh. If you have any questions, just comment. Maybe I didn't think this through enough...

I also changed a part in the chapter Explanations. Basically, instead of having to rest for 12 hours, it's only 1 or 2 hours.

Please ignore my terrible writing and (try to) enjoy!

Merlin and Arthur woke up at the same time in the early hours of the morning, Merlin in a cry of pain, Arthur with a dizzying headache. There had been so much going on that Merlin had forgotten the pain that would come with the release of his magic. The process was like nothing he'd ever felt before. When he drank the potion he could feel his magic being restrained. When he'd tried to use a spell to pick up a cup he'd dropped on the floor, it had surged to life, trying to fulfill his intention, but instead, it had resonated painfully throughout the potion's retrains; coming to rest deep inside him.

Merlin'd felt a twinge of fear and wondered if there had been any cases where the effect was permanent. If it was, if there had been some mistake...he didn't know how he'd be able to live. Because he's Emrys and Emrys without magic cannot protect Arthur.

So when the pain jolted him from his sleep, he'd been slightly glad, because it meant that his magic would be free (it only temporarily), and that no, the potion was made correctly and the effect was not permanent.

Merlin sat up abruptly, his eyes flashing gold, and it felt so good. So so good to let his magic reign free again. He laughed lightly as the sensation of it flowing freely throughout his body.

Of course he'd been half asleep then, and had momentarily forgotten what the consequences of the freedom meant. It meant poison. After Merlin had made the miraculous "recovery" he'd wondered why he felt fine. At first, he thought it was because the potion was restricting his magic from getting to him (something he didn't really understand because he is magic) and that it was suppressing the effects of the poison. Now, he realized he was only half right.

Merlin's magic and the hiteney were becoming intertwined. The hiteney was like a boa constrictor, coiling itself around his magic, slowly squeezing the life out of it. But, because his magic was being "separated" from his body, he wasn't being physically affected. However, because Merlin is a warlock and not a sorcerer, there is still a thin connection with his magic. Although the connection may not be strong enough to connect him and Arthur together, it was strong enough to allow the effects of the poison to bleed through.

It wasn't noticeable at first. Once the potion had started to take affect, Merlin had felt much better, but as the day went on, and the potion's effects were beginning to diminish, he began to feel worse. Just little things; a headache, increased hunger (which pleased the cook immensely- she always said he needed to fatten up), slight dizziness later on, but it had been nothing terrible. He'd been able to shrug it off and go to sleep without a problem, but the agony he felt now was unbearable. Now that the potion had worn off, it felt like a dam had been broken, and the pain from the poison came flooding through.

Kilgharrah had said it was going to be painful, but Merlin wasn't prepared for the added torment the poison brought. Merlin couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips, and heard Gaius- who'd arrived late that night- get up and enter his room.

"Oh, my poor boy." He murmured, already holding a carefully prepared vile of the magic suppressing potion in his hand. Gaius walked over to Merlin's bed and lifted his head- helping him to drink. Merlin's head swam as Gaius tipped its contents down his throat which he drank gratefully.

Merlin immediately felt the potion's restraining properties, and a few moments later, the pain went away. He blinked a few times to clear the fuzz that was forming in his vision and saw Gaius inches away from his nose.

Merlin jumped slightly and shrugged ever so slightly away from his face. Gaius sat up and looked at him the way only a physician can.

"How're you feeling, Merlin?" Gaius inquired, still giving Merlin that analyzing look.

"Fine," Merlin replied, as he tried to ignore the sleepiness that was beginning to cloud his mind. Merlin did want Gaius to worry about him any more than he already was. He blinked hard and forced his eyes to focus on Gaius who was now raising an eyebrow. Uh-oh, he thought. The eyebrow was never good.

Merlin finally broke down and confessed how tired he was, after which Gaius told- no, ordered- him to rest, and, "Not to move an inch!", until he came back from checking on Arthur. Gaius would, of course, tell Arthur that he would be late for work. Which, considering the circumstance, was to be expected.

Merlin, utterly exhausted, fell asleep just as his first visitor arrived. Gawain. Gawain had plodded in looking rather tired, and without the flask he normally carried. Gawain had almost brought it, but remembered what'd caused Merlin's condition in the first place, and decided his heart just wasn't into drinking that day.

He walked into Merlin's room to find him lightly snoring. He quietly brought a stool in from the main room and sat by his bedside.

Gawain studied the young warlock's face. He still looked like a boy, but had gone through so much; things that no one should have to endure. Although Merlin hadn't placed attention on the cost of saving Arthur's life so many times, Gawain'd be able to read between the lines. He could see the heartache that lay in his friend's eyes and wondered how he'd missed it before. He supposed that one often sees what they expect to see, and he'd expected to see a happy, cheerful Merlin who didn't have a care in the world. So that's what he saw.

Gawain thought about this for a long time, and resolved to do a better job at keeping Merlin safe. It was a job he'd failed to do in the past, and he wouldn't allow it to happen again.

Gawain looked at the sun through the window, and knew he should be leaving. He did have knightly duties to perform after all. He'd contemplated skipping them to stay with Merlin, but decided that Arthur didn't him brushing aside his responsibilities at a time like this. Gawain turned his glance to Merlin again, who was still asleep.

"I'll see you later, Merlin." He whispered, not wanting to wake him up. Quietly, he got up and left.

Merlin was awake by the time Gaius, who'd had to go the market to pick up some herbs he'd forgotten he needed, came back. Merlin was glad that he woke up when he did, because Leon was his next visitor.

Leon didn't stay long because he had to find some maps for Arthur to use on their journey.

After he left, Merlin was anxious to get to Arthur and see how he was doing. Despite Gaius's reassurances that he was fine, Merlin still wanted to see him. Merlin had just opened the door to leave when he bumped into Dollop Head himself. Merlin flashed that silly smile of his and stepped back to allowed him to enter, all the while joking about his prattishness, when inwardly, he was buzzing with anxious energy. It was time to begin the quest.

A/N- I'm so so so SO sorry this is so late! School's been crazy and so has life. I've been going through a lot recently, and let's just say, I am SO ready for April vacation next week. (OMG IT'S NEXT WEEK. I JUST REALIZED THAT! XD). I worked on this chapter whenever I got a chance and I hope the sneak peak helped with the wait.

Once again, I'm so sorry.

Comments/votes/likes/whatever else you guys and do on here are always appreciated!

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