Pure Magic

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A/N- At long last: the long awaited chapter! Thank you for sticking with me during my break. Please enjoy!

Merlin knew Arthur and Gwaine were still confused. Too bad, he thought, because he didn't have any intentions of talking about Freya. It would raise too many questions and he didn't feel like answering. They didn't have enough time and, to be honest, he didn't want Arthur to feel any worse.

"Do you have any ideas?" He asked. They both shrugged.

"Maybe swing it around a bit. That is what swords are for." Arthur grinned mischievously.

Merlin raised an eyebrow. He knew Arthur was joking, but did seem logical.  After all, why shouldn't it work?

"Fine." Merlin huffed, raising the sword. He did what Arthur suggested, but to no avail. He even tuned into his magic to see if anything was happening, but nothing. No words appearing in the sky telling them where to go. No voices coming from unseen locations giving them directions. Nothing.

Merlin turned to Arthur. "It's not working. Maybe the Once and Future King should give it a shot." He smirked.

"The what?" Gwaine asked.

"There's a lot I need to explain, but it should wait until we have more time. Just try it, Arthur." Merlin requested, handing the sword to him.

Arthur did. He swung and swung. Finally, Arthur swung until, at the end of his swing, the sword was pointing across the lake. Suddenly, a light burst from Excalibur's tip and shot across the water; leading to the top of one of the mountains in the distance.

They froze. Arthur with Excalibur in his hand, Gwaine with his jaw dropped in awe, and Merlin standing as still as a tree. It was a magnificent sight. The trail glittered in the sunlight. Gold sparkles reflected off its surface as it hovered over the treetops, leading them to their destination. It was a trail of pure magic running across the forest.

After a while Gwaine whistled, breaking them from their trance. "Well," he said. "I guess that's the way."

They went back to their horses and went on their way. They rode until it was dark. Merlin had to endure the painful release of his magic again, but this time, his friends were close by to help him.

Merlin yawned and blinked his eyes heavily. It should have felt good to have his magic back, but it instead it just felt... Wrong. His magic was tainted and it felt like something alien was inside him. Merlin squirmed inwardly. The feeling was very disconcerting.

Suddenly, his eyes widened in alarm. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. Now that his magic was back he could communicate with other magic users. This communication allowed magic users to talk telepathically and to sense particularly strong emotions other magic users (in close proximity) may be having. Merlin had just felt something along this communication link; something evil and sinister. He couldn't tell from whom or where it was coming from, but it lurked in his mind like a forbidding shadow. Unfortunately, he was too tired to do anything about it, and he fell into a restless sleep.

Meanwhile, unknown to the knights, the warlock, and anyone in Camelot, someone else had seen the light too. The woman who saw it smirked and let out a mirthless laugh. Now she knew for certain that Arthur was away from Camelot; along with his protector. Now she knew she could succeed. Now, she knew the reign of Morgana Pendragon could begin.

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