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It is in the middle of August and i was heading out to a surprise concert with my friends,why i have no clue." Can you tell me what concert we are going to!"
"No" said Tommy Joe. "You will find out when we get there and we meet up with the others!"
"Fine what ever at least put my music on."
"Ok. Ok fine.Some one is grumpy!"
"Well duh. you would be if you were stolen away from moping about your ex girlfriend,that just dumped you and you wont even tell me were you are taking me!"
"Just wait." I flopped onto the back of my chair and kept my mouth shut until we got there.
It was ten minutes till we got to the turning off ramp when Tommy suddenly covered my eyes, great now i was blind and pissed,luckily it wasn't long till he removed his hand.
When i look around we were in a huge parking lot with hundreds,correction, thousands of people. "We are here." Tommy said, in his annoying voice
"Were are we?" I asked
"Get out and you will find out!" I stepped out of the car, closed the door and looked around. In front of me there were a group of girls wearing Adam Lambert shirts "holy fucking shit!" i shouted "ARE WE AT AN ADAM LAMBERT CONCERT?" I shouted to Tommy?"
" Yep and the gang should be hear any minute now!"
We stood around for about ten minutes waiting for the gang.
"Are they even coming?" I asked
"Yes... Wait here they are!" He said. I looked ahead and they were just pulling in to the gate in there crapy faded red van. They parked next to us.
The door opened and the fist one out was Monte, then Logenue and then She got out Camila, the girl that broke my heart tore it up and threw it in the trash
"What is she doing here?" No one answered. Great, the day i get out of the house since the break up and She shows!! Ugh!!!
"I can do this" I said to my self!
I linked arms with Tommy- Joe and walked into the hall that lead to the huge main room were Adam is going to preform.
Tommy- Joe has been my friend since, like the first grade and we both share this bond, we both found out we weren't straight at the same time and ever since we watched Adam Lambert's American Idol preformants together we both have had this HUGE crush on him( i know a gay girl thats has a crush on a really hot,sexy gay guy, but a girl can dream, right!)
Anyway me and Tommy stepped on to the stairs and headed up to the third row of seats, every so often i looked behind me and i swear to god that Camila was looking at my ass.
We walked to our seats and sat down
"Wow its really busy in here." Said Logenue.
"No! I never guessed we were at a concert were there would be a lot of people." said Monte with sarcasm.
I think it was ten minutes later when every one was seated ant the screaming started. I could feel myself light up and full up with excitement and Tommy was not far from being there with me!
Adam walked on to the stage and the crowed went nuts,screaming as loud as they could. He was wearing a long sleeve purple glitter shirt and tight black leather pants. His hair was black and gelled back, he was wearing black pumps and jewelry to top it off. "Whats up California!" He shouted, the crowd screamed to reply.
"Are you ready to party?!" The crowed shouted.
"Alright! Thats what i like to hear! Oh ya! But first i would like you to be introduced to my new band!" I looked around and noticed to spot light was heading to our side of the stadium. It then hovered over all four of us. Then,
"Come on guys get up here its time to party!" Adam encouraged. I had no time to process this, i walked behind Tommy, then Monte then Camilla.
"What did you do, Tommy?" I asked him. He didn't hear me or he ignored me. We walked past all the screaming fans and up the stairs to the stage. "Here we go." Said Adam. Tommy walked over to the bass guitar. Logenue walked over to the drums. Monte went to the electric guitar. And finally Camilla over to the keyboards. And i walked over to Adam trying to contain my excitement, and hugged him
"Hi." He said
"Hi, Mr, Lambert." I said
"Please call me Adam." he replied "What song shall we sing, together?"
"How about, fever!"
"All right lets do it." He said.

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