Chapter 10

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Zelma's POV

Our journey started with a strong wind blowing us into the forest. Which was not at all okay. I felt so strange after I stepped into that place. It was like something was going through my body.

My lungs cleared, the contaminated air was replaced with fresh new one. My head became cool, my limbs relaxed. A new energy sweeped inside my body, it was the same energy which comes to you when you are at peace. Which I have never experienced.

I stayed still for a moment. I took a deep clear breath. I could feel all the energy around me coming and resting on my body. I have never experienced something like this before. It's beyond refreshing. At this moment I feel like the most relaxed and happy person in this world. I don't care what others think, I never did. It felt like I had all the powers. I smiled wholeheartedly.

I walked fast to catch up with them. I feel like I will never be tired in this journey.

"Hey." I said knocking on Agatha's head.

"Oww, what?" She asked.


"You know what, banging on head is not good." She said.

"Who said?" I asked again doing the same.

"I did." She replied. "It's bad for brain cells, scientifically proven."

"Well apparently the bang in your head will not harm any brain cells, as you don't seem to have any to begin with." I said casually again banging on her head.

"You are impossible." She said trying to push me away. But I didn't move an inch.

"Um... No you are so wrong. I'm possible that's why I'm here right now."

"Okay, right, bye." She said walking faster.

"Bye for now." I waved. Without delay I moved to my next target, Odell.

"How are you?" I enquired.

"Not dead, yet." He replied looking into my face. I laughed.

"What happen? Did something fell down from your head when that wind pushed us inside?" He asked making a confused face.

"You think so? Me too." I said. He rolled her eyes at me.

"Yeah, keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you might find a brain right back."

"Really Zel?" He asked.

"I don't know about you but yeah..." I said definitely annoying him.

We walked straight looking at the map at times. I disturbed them time to time so that I won't be bored.

The weather is not like what they said on TV. It was sunny here yet cool. The sun was mostly covered by the tall trees protecting like a big umbrella. I think I've never felt so easy and happy. But these people with me are so tensed. I wish I could make them cheerful too.

As I walked thinking, I saw Leola's face brightening. Her eyes widened with. . . joy? We were walking together and she smiled at me. The others too- Alton, Agatha and Odell also just loosened like they all kept down their bags full of tension and fear. They became more free than before. Even in the last second I layed my eye on them, they were so gloomy but now they suddenly changed what's happening? This is not something I can explain. People change, yes, but not in a second.

"Zel, are we on right path?" Alton asked.

"Yes." I said confused. I mean they can't be like this just with a second right?

We walked for more than three and a half hour but nothing changed or nothing felt peculiar. We talked in between, friendly chats. Alton talked to Agatha a lot, they are still talking. Leo, Odell and me are discussing about the map and forest and all.

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