Chapter 12: With Your Heart

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Hyewon's POV

There was a minty scent in the frosty air blowing past our tentages as the winds roared, causing the loud crack of the flaps tied down at the corners of the canvas. The tents were like constricted animals held in place, thrashing about fervently - merely unable to break free as the tent pins held them down securely. Good thing Nako knew a thing or two about architecture - something that they taught in Japan at a Junior High level, if I recalled her saying.

Our journey thus far, made me realise that everyone of us had a unique function, something valuable that we could offer to the others - that truly made us Iz*One. Something about the aligning of all 12 members, made us whole. That 12 of us, are one complete girl group, of one heart, as one family. Without Chaewon or Hitomi, Yena and Nako might have died from infection, while Eunbi may not have made it. Without Chaeyeon or Sakura, I may have been unable to lead everyone else. And without Yena, we might never be able to learn how to fix the generator.

That is, if we can even find all the parts we need.

What was a light breeze of the wintry night had soon became powerful gales, causing all the trees to sway at their will - with some of them snapping in loud cracks when they were unable to withstand the strong winds. Pieces of wood soon started breaking away from the trees near us, pummeling down towards us from the skies. Seeing that this had become a hazard, I quickly gathered everyone inside the medical tent, as we started a small, controlled fire. It was a tight squeeze for all 9 of us at camp, but the tentage was probably the largest amongst all our resting tents. Seeing Eunbi tremble violently, I helped her donned on a couple more layers, letting her finally rest in peace - as she needed it to recuperate quickly. The rest of us sat about in a circle about the miniature campfire, putting our hands out to reach for the searing warmth it provided.

Unthinkingly, I shivered, rubbing my hands rapidly across my arms. Even the heavy coat I wore was not enough to warm myself - having given most of the clothing to the other girls and Eunbi. "S-ssso Cccccold." I muttered under my breath.

"Are you alright, unnie?" Hitomi scoots over to my side, snuggling me to heat my body up with her own. I wrapped my arms around her from behind as she rested her squirrel cheek on my shoulder, rubbing her icy nose against the fabric of my outerwear for heat. I smiled, letting out a huge sigh. No words were spoken, yet none were needed, as we both gazed thoughtlessly into each others' laps. Right now, we're all filled with worry - and fear.

"I wonder how Chaeyeon-unnie and the other two are coping out there." Nako spoke out loud, clearly speaking for the rest of us. We could only look down at the snowy white ground, praying in our hearts that their voyage will come to an end.

And that they will soon reach us: they must.

I couldn't imagine a world with one of us lacking from the group. It seemed... impossible. Unthinkable. What will we ever do, without one another? What will I ever do, without Eunbi, or Hitomi, or Yuri? Life would be... pointless. Meaningless....


I stood up, after giving Hitomi a little peck on the cheek. Draping a cloak over my back, I peered from the inside of the tent, into the unknown.

"I'm going to find them."

"What?" Chaewon blurted out at me, a questioning tone at my declaration. "You can't just leave now - It's dangerous out there!"

"Exactly. Who knows, they may be lost in the fog." One glance at the environment was enough to substantiate that claim. It was probably a little past midnight. These winds were heavy and dense, as the snow cascaded at the will of the falling snow. One wouldn't be able to see even several feet ahead of them in this blinding weather, much less in the dark. "I'll guide them back here."

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