chapter 1

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The adrenaline spiked just as he was about to start the race, as usual. This is his most favourite moment from the race, the high he would get from the speed, the anticipation, the waiting and finally the winning. Oh, he always wins, not to brag about it or anything, but he was born to win. He had the nickname God’s Child because everything he touches, turns gold.

He revved his monster of a machine and got ready to start the race.

He took his turns and corners easily as he had practiced before, but before he turned on the last corner, he felt someone bumped his tail, making him swerved wildly, and the last thing he remembered was the blue sky and white clouds, dancing before his eyes.

He woke up, dazed, in what seemed to be a hospital room.

He blinked, once, twice, looked around, before he felt someone tugging his feet. He looked at the bottom of his bed and found a kid, no more than 5 years old, giggling at him and pulling the corner of his pants.

“Gege, gege, let’s play, you’ve been sleeping long enough, now it’s time to play…”, the boy continued to tug at his pants, not letting him go while convincing him to play with him.

Although he never cared much about kids, strangely enough kids seemed to be very attached to him in almost every instance that he went to. Whether it's relatives or some kid actor or even kids he didn't know on the street.

“Not now, little boy, where’s your parents? Why did they let you go alone? This is a hospital, right?”, he asked while looking from left to right, maybe someone will come looking and fetch this child. He didn't feel good enough to pay any extra attention to a stranger's kid.

The boy suddenly went silent, and his eyes were full of tears.

“Mommy is not here, daddy too, they’ve left a long time ago…Now I’m alone, no one wants to play with me.” He looked sad, forlorn even, and Yibo’s heart clenched, there was a sudden feeling of uneasiness for this little boy.

“Come here little boy, let gege hug you…”, he gestured for the boy to come close to him but the boy made no move to come closer, so Yibo threw his blanket out and tried to touch the boy, only to find air.

“What the…”

He looked at the boy, now seemingly rather transparent, and his heart was beating so fast, he could feel it almost jumped out of his ribcage. But before he could do anything about it, a pretty young nurse went in and scolded him for getting out of his bed, since apparently, he was in a coma for 3 days.

“You’re not supposed to go up yet! What if something happened with your pretty head? Go back to sleep while I will call the doctor to check on you.”, she said while checking the IV and his vital statistics.

He looked at her, confusion written on his face,and asked her the question.

“Did you see a little boy here just now?”

She looked at him strangely. “Of course I did. He was a patient here and he liked to go around the hospital, greeting new people.”, she answered with a smile in her pretty face

Yibo lets out a long sigh. So, he wasn't crazy..

He went back to sleep because although he felt good enough, apparently his body thought otherwise. He quickly fell into a deep sleep.

He woke up again in about an hour when someone, who looked like a doctor, pointed his mini flashlight to his eyes. 

“Ow?! No 'excuse me' or dinner first before you poked into my body?”, he asked grumpily as he settled to sit down in the bed, leaning on the headrest.

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