chapter 10

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When the Crown Prince went back to Heaven, he continued his life as if nothing happened. But the truth was, he was confused.

He worked harder than before, cleaning all the potential mess, appointing trusted people, and whenever his schedules allowed, he went back down to the human realm, to see Beitang Moran.

And everytime he saw how Beitang Moran's face was all lit up just by seeing him come, no matter how short of a period, he felt some kind of strange feelings within his heart that he could not explain. Beitang Moran always welcomed him with a smile and treated him well, feeding him, talking to him, and letting him go with another smile.

Until one day when he forgot to take the heavenly snacks that Beitang Moran had made for him and he went back to retrieve it. Instead of seeing his smiling face, he heard the sound of the zither, and it was lonely and heartbreaking.

Why do this year's peach blossoms late to fall? 

Could these peach blossoms also be waiting for someone?

The Crown Prince stopped in his tracks.

He's not stupid. He could feel the longing in the song that Beitang Moran sang.

He just did not realize that coincidentally, his feelings were also the same.

He quickly retreated back, not wanting to let his beloved know that he heard him. He needed to take care of everything first before he could declare his love.

In the realization of their mutual feelings, the Crown Prince did not notice that someone else also saw and heard the longing in the song, and that confirmed their suspicions all along. 

The person hid themselves well, and they went back to report to their boss. That was the final nails to the coffin that they had prepared. And the next order that came was...

Beitang Moran must die.

The next day, the Crown Prince prepared himself to speak to his parents about his intention to relinquish his right as the Crown Prince, when the Festivities God barged into his residence. He was the only person who knew about Beitang Moran and his relationship with him. And he was also the one who secretly guarded the human, because he knew the consequences if anyone from Heaven Realm caught a whiff of the relationship between the Crown Prince and a mere human.

"Prince, you have to go find your human immediately." The Festivities God was running out of breath while speaking. "I heard from the grapevine that someone knew about your relationship with the human, and they intended to do him harm."

"What?" The Crown Prince paled. "Who? Who knew?"

"You should protect your human first, Prince. If not… it will be too late."

The Crown Prince ran out in a haste to find Beitang Moran, and he was feeling the uneasiness deep in his bones, all the way down to his beloved's house.

When he arrived, there was nobody in the usually bustling house, no sound, no movement, nothing. The children were nowhere to be found.

He ran in panic to find Beitang Moran. 

First, he ran to the bedroom. Although the door was ajar, he could not find him there.

The next place he was looking for was the pavilion near the pond, where he usually sat down and wrote notes and songs and poems. But he still could not find him.

He ran all over the big mansion and could not find a soul there, until he remembered the secret place that he was so fond of. A small, hidden cove, filled with peach blossom trees, where he always went when he had time.

When he arrived there, he could see a silhouette of his beloved, sitting under the blossoming tree, and he approached him gently, afraid that it was just his imagination. But when he was close enough to touch him, he could see that Beitang Moran was already gone for some time, for his skin was cold and the usual shine in his being was gone.

The first thing he did with his trembling hands was take Beitang Moran into his arms and hugged him tight, tears flowed from his eyes, blurring his sights. 

He regretted that he wasn't able to do this when his beloved was alive, just because he was indecisive, a coward.

And now, his cowardice cost him his most precious person's life.

After a long time hugging the corpse, the darkness started to seep into his soul. He saw that his beloved's soul was branded with a dark soul mark, a speciality from Heaven Realms, that made anyone who bore the mark wouldn't be able to reincarnate. He was so hurt by the decision of his own people and he decided to do the one thing that was forbidden even in Heaven Realm. 

He decided to let the world burn, together with his beloved.

"The Crown Prince then massacred almost half of the people of Heaven Realms and put his beloved's body into the Reincarnation Fire, the only thing that could overwrite the soul mark. And by doing so, the Crown Prince was banished from Heaven and he was punished to live nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine lives as a human, whose lifespan was only twenty one years old, and he will die miserably every time." 

Wang Yibo was in trance, hearing the story that sounded like a fairy tale from Asuka's mouth. His hand kept holding Xiao Zhan's clammy hand, and his eyes never wavered from his face.

"How did you know about all of that?"

Asuka's gaze moved toward the moving water, and after a while she did not utter a word.

"Would you believe that once upon a time, I was once just a girl, who fell in love with the most majestic man alive, and although I understand that the man never saw me as anything but his duty, I was so deeply in love with him that I tried to remove any obstacles that stood in my way?" She stood up and walked closer to the water. "And now I regret that I was blind, and selfish, and I made the one I love suffer so much so the only thing I could do now was look after him." She suddenly moved so fast and stood near Yibo.

"I can help you and Xiao Zhan break away from your curse."

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