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She decided to go back but every way was looking the same she couldn't see the difference then she started walk into the unknown in the hope that at least it would lead her somewhere but every path she was taking, was leading to the same spot, she was before like it turned into a maze, she got so furious and scared. She kept walking trying to make a way
through the forest suddenly she heard some sounds like somebody was coming to her but couldn't figure out from which way sounds were coming it sent shiver down her spine, the sound got louder and louder suddenly a physique in the dark with scythe appeared it was coming to Elli, and as soon as she that she's in danger, she ran for her life trying to make way out of the forest but a doll with a knife appeared infront of her then
she ran into another way but, then there was another doll blocking her way, then another
doll, then another, every way she was trying to go dolls were appearing to block her, or should I say "to kill her", they all had something to kill her. All of them had red blood like eyes the moment was so
chilling, she couldn't think anything, she screamed for help but nobody came to help her. She asked why do you wanna kill me? What have I done to you? I don't even belong to this place! 'because...' a sound she heard that continued as 'we want
your blood' she turned around and saw a shadow that said "I died years ago but never left this place because I love it and I am never going to leave. I rule it and this is My Kingdom.

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