Chapter 5

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3rd POV

A hell hound leapt out of a shadow along with 4 other demigods. Percy and Annabeth brought Nico to the Camp Half blood infirmary where Will Solace worked. At once, the infirmary got to work. They fed Nico some ambrosia and nectar and laid him on the bed before will giving a quick peck to Nico's forehead.

Nico POV

"What's going on?" I questioned Clarisse as I stepped out of the infirmary.

"The bloody wizards attempted to kill you and now we are going to war with them!" Clarisse replied. I looked at the camp borders and saw clusters of people holding sticks with a scrawny boy with glasses, a ginger and a bushy hair brunette standing in front of the group.

"Who are they?" I asked Clarisse.

"They are the Wizards going to war with us!" Clarisse scoffed.

"Wait they think they have a chance against us?" I question bewildered.

"Nah, they have no chance, look at them barely of age. So scrawny, they'll be fun to kill. Camp Jupiter is also here after they got word of the trying to kill you!" Clarisse smirked to the direction of the scrawny boy trying to rile up his 'army'.

I turned my head and saw the familiar purple shirts of camp Jupiter and the shouts of Reyna.

"12 legion Fulminata, 1st and 2nd cohort form ranks! You're on offence! Form a Phalanx! 3rd and 4th cohort archers! 5th cohort form a testudo!" Reyna ordered.

By the side, I could hear the voice of the Greeks chanting as the 7 riled them up.

"Greeks fight stuff! For Olympus! For Nico! For peanut butter!"

Clarisse unsheathed her sword and pointed it to the wizards. I quickly twisted my ring and pointed my Stygian iron sword at the crowd of wizards. On the opposite side the scrawny boy along with the ginger and brunette girl pointed their sticks at us.

"Wizards charge!" The wizards shouted.
"Demigods Greek or Roman! We fight once more for Olympus! We charge into battle! For Olympus!" Percy shouted.

"Charge!" Both sides screamed.

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