Chapter 17

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Suddenly, I felt very vulnerable. Seeing the Autumn Court walking towards the entrance, I felt out of tone. I mean, I was a human who just suddenly grew a pair of wings. What would they say?

Apparently, Mor saw my insecurity. 'Listen,' she said while she forced me to look at her by placing her hand on my cheek. 'It's just the Autumn Court. You're a part of the Night Court now. We got your back, just as I know you got ours.'

Those words made me feel better, but Mor wasn't done yet.

'By the way, have you looked at us? The Night Court is looking badass. Especially you, with your green dress and black wings. I mean, come on. We're looking gorgeous.'

A smile curled on my lips. 'Alright then, let's go,' I said.

Mor grabbed my hand and the both of us joined the rest of the Night Court in Tarquins home.

When the group walked through the entrance, a servant welcomed us and lead us to the room where the meeting would take place. When the door to the room opened, a warm breeze welcomed us, along with exited chatting and laughing of the people who were already there.

My eyes scanned the room. I saw a pond in the middle of the room, with beautiful fish swimming and gorgeous flowers floating in the water and by the side. The room was large, but still felt cozy and warm. Chairs were put in a circle around the pond, some of them already taken.

Mor had let go of my hand to greet Viviane, Kallias' wife. Viviane and Mor were hugging and talking, and I saw Kallias sitting next to his wife, chatting with Helion. Day court, I knew. No wife. Next to Helion was Thesan, talking to Rhys, Feyre and Cassian. Azriel, who was at the table with drinks and snacks, was talking to Tarquin. Tamlin and Beron weren't here yet.

When my eyes met Azriels eyes, he made a hand movement that meant he wanted me to come over there. I walked to Azriel and Tarquin, somewhat insecure because of all the people, but at that moment the Autumn Court made an entrance.

When the Night Court came in calm and quiet, the Autumn Court slammed the doors open and started talking loudly.

I felt Azriel grabbing my hand and pulling me a bit further towards him.

'The Autumn Court is here, people,' Eris screamed. Beron leaned towards Eris and whispered something. Then, the Autumn Court split up and sat down. People started talking again, now that everyone knew the Autumn Court was here.

'Anyway, Tarquin, I wanted to introduce you to Anna,' I heard Azriel say next to me.

I took my eyes off of the people of the Autumn Court and looked at Tarquin. I let my eyes glide over his dark skin to his white hair and his blue eyes.

'Hi. I'm Anna. Nice to meet you,' I said and I reached out my hand to shake his.

'Hi Anna, I'm Tarquin, and nice to meet you too,' he said, but instead of shaking my hand, he placed a kiss on it.

'I hope you don't mind me asking, but I see you're not a Fae.'

I knew where he was going. Why did I have wings, if I wasn't a Fae?

'Yes, that is right. I think you want to know why I have wings then.'

'That is exactly where I was going, yes, but if you don't want to tell me that's fine. I'm just very curious,' he said while smiling at me.

I looked at Azriel and thought about a way to tell this story, but before I could say anything, Azriel opened his mouth.

'I think it's best if Anna tells in the meeting. I'm sure the other High Lords are curious about that story as well.'

'You're right, I can wait a couple of minutes to hear the story,' Tarquin said.

'When is the meeting starting anyway?' I asked.

Right when Tarquin was about to answer my question, a loud BANG! was the sound of the doors being slammed open again. Tamlin marched through the doors and immediately sat on a chair, without saying anything.

I was still looking at Tamlin when I heard Tarquin say; 'Now.'

Tarquin asked everyone to please take a seat, so the meeting could start. Me and Azriel were the last people to take a seat. On my left was Azriel, and on my right Tamlin, unfortunately. Next to Tamlin was Beron and than Eris and Beron's wife, who was next to Helion. On Helion's right was Kallias and his wife, and Mor had taken a seat next to her best friend. Next to Mor were Rhys, Feyre, Amren and Cassian, and next to Cassian was Tarquin, who was also sitting next to Thesan. Thesan was therefore also sitting next to Azriel, making the circle round.

I felt multiple pair of eyes look at me, and when I looked around the circle, I saw Kallias, Beron and Helion looking at me. Kallias and Helion were looking curious, just as Tarquin had done at the table earlier, but Beron was looking at me as if he was deciding wether to kill me or not.

I took my eyes off them and looked at Tarquin, who had stood up.

'Hello everyone, thank you for coming to this meeting. As you know this is a regular kind of check-up meeting, so if everyone has some news or something, this is your time to share.' Tarquin sat back down and again there were multiple pairs of eyes staring at me.

I knew this was my time to stand up and tell my story, but I felt very insecure. My hand were clammy and my cheeks were going red. Thankfully, Rhys saw and helped me out. 'As you all can see, we have a new face joining us this year. I'm sure she will tell you her story, but I want to clarify first that she is not a threat to any of us. She is harmless,' he said while looking at everyone, his eyes resting on Eris and Beron a little longer than the rest. 'Anna, you ready?'

I looked at Mor for reassurance and she nodded, as did Azriel when I looked at him. I nodded and stood up.

'Hi everyone, my name is Anna, and as you all see I'm not a Fae. The story you want to hear is the answer to the question in all of your eyes right now. Why does she have wings if she's not a Fae? So here it is. I heard that I'm the second time this happened. I randomly woke up in the Night Court a week ago. I believe the first time, it was a boy and a girl, who were soulmates.'

I saw multiple people nodding. Yes, they remembered that.

'I woke up here and about three days later I got my wings. I had a dream when it happened. I was in an all white room and heard two voices discussing what wings to give me and what color, and the outcome was black feathered wings. I have had flylessons from Azriel, fighttraining from Cassian and Azriel and I learn more everyday from everyone in the Night Court. I also had magic lessons from Amren, because we believe I have gotten magical powers when I woke up here.'

People were frowning their eyebrows and sitting up straight.

'Amren found out that I will only be able to control my powers completely if I turn into a Fae. There is still a lot to find out, since I've only been here for a week, but if there are any questions, please ask them.'

Beron raised a hand. 'I have a question, but it's for Rhys.'

I nodded.

Beron turned to Rhys and sat up. 'There randomly woke up a girl in the Night Court, she grows wings, and has magical powers which can only be controlled if she turns into a Fae. And you call this girl harmless?'

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