A summer's moon

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Zero had just thrown out the cord made out of blanket sheets to get down from the day dorms undetected. Zero could no longer take it. He was pregnant and seeing his ex-lover's face only made it worse. What he didn't expect was right across from him; Aidou was doing the same thing, Aidou although he was from a well off family, didn't expect anything less than disownment when their only son turns out pregnant with a guy who wanted to abort the child.

Both vampires made their way to the gate when they crashed with each other, both packed with bags. Aidou's huge compared to Zero's.

"what are you doing here, aidou sempai" Zero questioned as he rubbed his head.

"I could ask you the same question Kiryuu kun" Aidou asked. But the dogs had been alerted, and Aidou and Zero could both pick up the sound of the prefects making their way to them.

"Not here,"Zero said. Aidou nodded his head and grabbed Zero's hand and they both ran at their inhuman speed. Zero was surprised by Aidou's sudden hand holding but didn't question it as both their vampire instinct told them this was the right thing to do. They both ran as far as possible and soon realized they had crossed two towns.

"We are safe now", Zero said. Aidou was sweating due to the summer heat, but the 24/7 cafe behind them gave both of them a similar idea. Zero and Aidou both sat across from each other, and Aidou was the first to speak.

"Zero, look, we don't get along. We never did, but my vampire instincts tell me that you are the only one that I can relay upon anymore." Aidou said as he cut to the chase. Zero was surprised that aidou had said his feeling so openly, and although it was true he did hate vampires, but he had come to terns with his hatred when he fell in love with Kaname.

"Zero, I am pregnant... it's kain's but he doesn't know, but he say he wanted to abort if we did have a kid," Aidou said, tears welling up in his eyes but not letting them out. But Zero's next actions were pure instinct as he walked up to the blond vampire and whispered

"We are in the same boat, Your beloved Kaname-sama played me for a fool, and now I am carrying the future heir," Zero said with a sadistic laugh. But Aidou, although was in shock, hugged the hunter back and cried on his shoulder as both of them knew they were broken and their kids were now one of their only reasons to live because the lives of their offspring were innocent, unlike their makers and they deserved to live.

"So what do we do Zero~chan," Aidou said as he ordered a kale smoothie and Zero ordered a cold chocolate

"Well firstly we need to rent a house... it will be easier if we rent it together and also since we are carriers the baby bump won't show until it's last month so we should find work at some store and try to start a living. "Zero Said after adding more sugar to his sweet cold chocolate which made Aidou disgusted as he hated sweet things.

"Okay... what about the baby what are we gonna name them and once they are born how are we gonna hide them from everyone," Aidou asked

"Well, no one knows that I am a carrier since everyone thinks I am a level E but I have three different pureblood's blood running through me so that bounces me be right around Level c so we can always say that you carried our kids,"Zero said

"Firstly, you would be around a level B, secondly why couldn't it be you carried them no one knows I am a carrier either. Hell I didn't even know till I got pregnant" Aidou replied

"Fine, I can pretend to be the carrier for our kids," Zero said as a small blush formed on his cheeks.

"As for the name" Zero poundered.. looking outside as he felt the warm breeze and blue moon. "Natsu Kiryuu for the birth certificate but he would obviously be referred to as Natsu Aidou to protect his identity"

"Then to celebrate our new reunion I'll name my kid Tsukishima Aidou but as you said for protection tsukishima Kiryuu." Both men smiled as Zero took out his laptop and searched for jobs and Aidou searched for houses for rent.

After a long wait of three hours and four more smoothies, five more cold chocolate's later. Aidou had found them the perfect house. It was a five-bedroom house with two bathrooms and four toilets. Zero was surprised to find such a beautiful house for such a cheap price. Turns out it was due to it being further hidden between the woods which was actually great as they were on the run from hunters and vampires alike. This house could be their safe haven from all the pain and maybe the start of something new.

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Author's note

I like the house if you don't just imagine something in the forest. meow meow

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