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Katie(Mya's best friend)
Sophie(Mya's best friend)
Taylor (the bully)
Will (Mya's crush)

Sunday 1st September
Dear diary,
It is the last day of the holidays. I am dreading going back to school. Although I can't wait to see Katie and Sophie. They are so nice to me, unlike everyone else. I might just pretend to be ill or something. The thought of seeing my bully might just make me sick. I truly don't know what I did to her, but she never tells me when I ask she just pushes me over. My life is hell and some times I want to end it. I can't stop myself from cutting. All my emotions build up inside me and when I cut it lets them all out. I do sometimes try to stop but then I always cry. On the last day of year 8 she came to school with the hairstyle I always have and said why and I am copying her. I didn't know what to do so I took out my hair, but it only seemed to make her angrier. She took out her scissors and cut a handful at the front. I now have a side fringe. I am too scared to tell my parents about it. Anyway I better go now it's time for bed, school's in the morning.
Monday 2nd September
Dear diary,
I am getting ready for school, unfortunately. I know she will be waiting for me as usual. Hang on I'm just going to get some money for her........ Diary my life is over! I am broke, she is going to go mad. What can I give her instead, my lunch? I need to go now. Bye Diary.

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