Chapter 5

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Serenity rolled over and for the first time, Sin laid asleep next to her.

He snored lightly as the Queen studied his features. His blonde hair that was usually in his face was now brushed to the side from turning over. Sin most if the time has a serious expression but with him sleeping, she could see the true Sin. Baby face but almost like a god.

Serenity sat up and let the covers fall from her shoulders. She looked back at sleepy Sin. She dressed herself in her usual light skinned dress. Then she quietly snuck out if her room and hit another body.


"What are you doing?" They both asked at the same time. Her brother grinned as his sister frowned.

"Sneaking out of your room? Sin in there?"

"Creeping on your sister? Or trying to spy?"

They both had each other but didn't dare let each other know.

"Stop with the games, Hilarus. Why were you by the Queen's bedroom?" Serenity asked.

He gritted his teeth. He had to answer to his Queen. "I was going to tell you Nehelenia is waiting for you in the court yard."

That made Serenity feel better. She turned away from her brother and gracefully walked to the flowers. Like Hilarus said, their cousin was waiting for her.

Nehelenia was the princess if the dark side moon. Even though the title seemed evil, she was a pleasant girl. The Dark Side Princess had long wavy black hair that had a tint of purple to it. She has matching odangos like Serenity. Unlike the single crescents that the Serenity and other royals have, Nehelenia had three together. One gold, another silver, and the last one black.

She sat crossed legged in the chair. Her dress was back on the too then a long black peice down to the floor. Cream colored fabric made the skirt. The sleeves of her dress were also back and puffed out on the top of her arm then made a sleeve to her wrists. A purple cape was connected to her chocker.


She set the cup down on the fine china. "Serenity! Or may I say, Queen Serenity?"

The Queen blushed then sat across from her cousin. A maid came to the table and set down tea for Serenity. She took a drink.

"Oh my."

Serenity stopped. "What?"

"Your engaged?"

Her voiced bellowed. A sigh escaped Serenity's mouth. Her and Sin wanted to keep it a secret. It was hard to do that when he insisted on her wearing a ring. "Yes."

"Let me see!" Nehelenia held out her hand. Serenity sat her hand in hers. Her cousin looked at the ring in every angle. It was quite amazing.

"It is a rare crystal." Sin explained last night. "You can only find it on the edge of the Solar System. No one can find it and is still considered a myth. But I found it a long time ago and knew it would be perfect for you. Because you are rare."

The crystal was in a shape of a flower. When the sun shined on it, it lite up a rainbow effect. The band was gold with swirls and moon crescents made into it.

"You are a lucky woman, my Queen." Nehelenia told her cousin.

Serenity took her hand away and put it in her lap. "I know..."

"Who is the guy? A prince? King?"

"No.." Serenity debated on telling. "It's the captain off the Royal Army."

Nehelenia made a face. "Captain Sin?"

"Yes...?" The Queen was uncertain now. Why was everyone making a face when his name came up?

"Oh." Nehelenia took a sip of her tea.

Serenity crossed her arms "What?"

"It's just... He... I have heard he isn't a good man."

"How?" Serenity said through her teeth. These stories about Sin was starting to piss her off.

"He is promiscuous."

Liar. That was the Queen's first thought. She composed herself and took a breath. "Well as far as I know, he isn't. So we will see."

Nehelenia smiled and put the cup to her lips. "Yes, we will."

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