The Meeting

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vampiregirl2131890 okbyeyall ChristianODowd 1dkingwell

Brian scratches at his horns sorting through paperwork on his desk. His tail swishes around, he’s growing bored and his eyes felt so heavy. He was so tired. Being the Devil is draining, he doesn’t feel young anymore.

The phone rings and Brian jumps startled the sharp point of his tail pierces his leather chair, “Fucking hell!”

Brian growls and grabs the phone, “Hello?”

“Hey Brian.” 

Brian snarls, “Freddie.”

“I have a young man here who’s very twink-ish. And he died single and young.”

“You are God and you’re not Cupid.” Brian grumbles, “The Devil has no time for love.”

“I’m sending him down. Use him as a plaything for a bit.”

“Goddamn it, God.” Brian slams the phone down his eye twitches.

Freddie poofs the man to him. And Brian wants to roll his eyes at this another man he has to send back.

There's a boy sprawled out on his floor. His white button dress shirt is wrinkled and creased, he only has one suspender strapped on, the only thing that looked decent was his black dress pants. 

His blond hair is sprawled out like a halo around his head. His ocean blue eyes look angelic-ly up at Brian his plump pink lips twitch before his face turns into a snarl, 

"Fucker. I didn't do anything wrong!!! It was one match!! I shouldn't be here!  I built churches and prayed to the big man upstairs."

Brian huffs rolling his eyes he hears the same story but different varieties all stating why they shouldn't be here.

His hazel eyes read over the file that was covered in glitter and pink sharpie, "Roger M. Taylor. Only twenty-one… hmm you're early… you were scheduled for 80." 

Roger's face flushes and he hisses, "Listen here-"

"Gambling, prostitution, anal sex, and underage drinking." Brian reads off, sounding board, "You're greedy and lustful."

"Oh fuck off. We all have needs." Roger throws a pen at him, "You're Satan himself! You fuck bitches all the time!" 

Brian stands showing his full height, his tail swishing around like a curious kitten. He chuckles seeing the color drain from Roger's face, "I don't have time for romance." 

"Take me to Purgatory." Roger demands.

"Mine and Freddie's creation rules over. You don't want that." 

Roger falls silent. He begins to grouch and grumble at Brian. He doesn't like this one bit, 

"You are to clean my office and the break room daily. If not you'll be punished." Brian's voice darkened and it was husky.

Roger blushes and stands up, "I'm not your fucking maid!"

Brian launches over his desk somehow his pinstripe suit doesn't wrinkle. Roger didn't mean to moan when Brian choked him but he did. And there was awake silence between the two. They both looked at the ground, "Uh… Go clean the floors." Brian waves him off.

Roger nods numbly, rubbing his throat, his face redder than a bleeding heart. Roger finds an old bucket and fills it with warm water and cleaner. He grabs a mop and begins to work, shame and embarrassment numbs him and he can't think stright let alone gay.

He absentmindedly mops humming a small song to himself. He flinched when he heard a yelp. He snaps out of his daydream and realizes he just rammed the handle of the mop into the Devil's crotch.

Brian yelps and smacks him, "Watch it!"

Roger twirls the mop in his hands, "Maybe I can take you on a date to make up for it?" 

Brian's eyes glow red and his voice deepens humanly; it booms down the hall, "I have no time for romance!!" 

Roger gasps when he's slung into the wall cracking it. He shivers and watches as Brian approaches him, "You be a good little angel for me and finish cleaning the floors." 

Roger didn't want to be afraid of him. He tried to stand his ground, "You can't order me around. Send me back!!"

Brian flicks him on the nose, "Behave or I'll get the iron cuffs." 

"Ooh kinky." Roger teases.

The Devil's face reddens and his tail yanks Roger upside down by his ankle, "Listen here you little shit." 

Roger sticks his tongue out and tries to grab Brian, "Come on! Just one date, sugar!" 

Brian dunks him into the bucket, "See me in my office." he drops him and stomps off.

Roger enters Brian's off head held high and he's dripping wet, "Roger." Brian's voice was like silk to his ears, "You seem to have authority issues." 

"Fuck off old man." Roger spits.

Brian twirls his pen, "And by the file we have on you it states that you were abused as a child… Your father beat on you and your mother. That's where your problems with authority started isn't it?" 

"You motherfucker!!" Roger runs at him only for Brian to lift his hand and Roger's stuck in place.

"We're going to try a different method for you to listen." Brian says calmly, "Now come here." 

Without a choice Roger is launched in front of Brian, "You look cold." 

Roger blushes as Brian's hand rubs down his body heating him up. Roger can see the steam coming from underneath Brian's large hand.

"There you go." Brian hums, "All dried and ironed." 

"T-Thank you, sir?" 

Brian chuckles, "Just call me Brian. Sir is for your punishments." 

Roger doesn't understand how Brian can say that with such a smile. But whatever floats your boat.

Roger yawns and Brian stands up, "Come on now. It's late, you need rest.' 

Roger blushes and follows after Brian, "Will you be sleeping too?" 

"Yes we all need to sleep." Brian tells him unlocking a door.

"Who takes over while you sleep?"

Brian frowns, "My creation, Lucifer." 

Roger nods and Brian welcomes him into the room, "Welcome to my room we're going to share a bed." 

Roger shrugs the room was filled with books and a small desk crammed into the corner. It was a nice silver and gold color all around.

Roger climbs into bed and blushes as Brian takes his suit jacket and shirt off. He completely undresses and leaves himself in his boxers. Roger's never felt so hot in his life before. And it didn't help when Brian crawled into bed and pulls Roger close to him. This is going to be a long night.

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