Marissa's Meetup with Callista

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The sound of coughing and a string of curses greeted Marissa as she pushed open the door, listened to the familiar chime of the bell overhead, and made her way into the Sputtering Gryffon. Strangley enough, the young eidolon was used to it, and was relieved to hear the colorful words coming from the back of the grimy pub. Pushing past a large group of cracked eggs, men wearing toffy clothing covered in stains unfamiliar to her, Marissa stopped for a brief moment and searched for the source of her sudden Deja Vu. The feeling was much to common for her liking, because she knew it had something to do with her previous life. After a brief moment of turning her head in every direction, she gave the bartender, a scab who gave Marissa a different name every time she visited, a small wave, and continued onward.

She passed a row of bookshelves no doubt from the surface, skimming the spines and spotting books such as "Obscure Prayers to the Maker" -- a book that, upon examination, is marked by numerous bookmarks, all keeping track of pages that seem to have some errors in them--and--"The Skeletal System of Xes"--informative information marked by folded down pages. Pieces of paper with notes, in an archaic tongue, comment on related elements in the book. She passed a large cabinet containing vials and glasses of numerous shapes and sizes. They were all empty, but many were stained the color of a liquid it once held. Some of the shelves also held screws and bolls, along with rusty wrenches. She recognized a RenevantX11, for it was the same as the generator in place of her heart.

Finding herself before an archway, Marissa stepped inside. "Callista?" She called out. "Are you still back here?" Hearing a muffled, 'yes', she treaded farther into the room. In a shadowed corner she saw a familiar head of dark hair in a sea of clonks, flashes of yellow appearing every few moments, accompanied by the sound of metal scraping across the floor. As Marissa made her way over to the figure, clumsily stumbling into towers of spare parts, sending them toppling to the ground, they spun around a greeted her with a cheerful smile.

Callista Oakshott Pollard. Twenty-three years old, resembling one of the ancient races of the old Tier 1; a place called Earth. She had nice tan skin, beautiful almond eyes the color of chocolate, and short brown hair cropping her face in messy tufts. Her goggles were currently sitting upon her head, and her freckled nose was visible. Marissa always assumed she had gotten the dots while tumbling, for their was no way she'd have gotten them in Sora. There was hardly enough light for the citizens see, let alone bring out natural flaws.

When the tumbler stepped out of the pile of clonks she fully revealed her slim, tall figure, currently dressed in an outfit even more eccentric than usual. Callista was wearing an extravagant top, a medium-length layered skirt that went to right above her knees, and a pair of embroidered shoes that would put an egg to shame. Over her blouse sat a short, high-collared cape. As of today, her accessories included a belt fastened tightly around her waist, and a black top hat that sat crooked on the side of her head. The whole ensemble was coordinated in black, yellow, a violent shade of fuschia, and a sickly copper.

"What is it, doll?" She asked, coggy accent thick as ever. Speaking of which, it was rather odd that she had such an accent. Marissa was once told that the coggy accent came from the cockney accent, which was a dialect in a place called Europe, while Callista descended from those who lived in the old area of Asia. Though, everyone spoke that way, so the eidolon assumed it was just the Maker's odd sense of amusement again. She would never understand the Maker."Normally you visit me the morning of my trips, not days before."

Marissa shrugged, focused on a vial in Callista's hand. The liquid inside was a light brown with blue flecks and salt on the rim of the glass, and it was emitting a pleasant smell. The smell of a lemon confection. The older female seemed to notice her staring, and laughed. "Tastes like vanilla taffy-balls. I haven't though of a name yet, but it causes truthfulness in the drinker." Bringing the vial closer to her face she shook the liquid around. "So far it lasts a few hours. Not sure whether I want it to last more or less though." Probably less. Marissa wouldn't be surprised if some poor test subject was spilling their heart out somewhere.

"Well, anyways. I just wanted to talk to you." She said, staring up at the other. "There's nothing to do. Iki is out for the day." Iki was the man who brought her back to life, and, according to Callista, he was her older brother before she died. Marissa didn't know whether or not this was true, for eidolons had no memories of what happened while they were still living, and Iki didn't like to talk about the subject. Perhaps they looked similar.

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