Chapter 4 (Smile Damn it)

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Louis told me about every small detail in his plan. It's going to work. Scratch that. I HOPE it is going to work.

I was staying with Louis, his mom and sisters until Spring break. He mentioned the boys coming over sometime but I dont remember when he told me they would be here. I was nervous about meeting them. Louis knows I am a fan but I dont think he realizes how big. He knows I love Harry and will probably have him on the ground before he even walked through the door. I just hope Harry is ready for that!

Wait. I know what you are thinking. How are you going to get Brad in jail if you are with Louis all the time? Well heres how is is gonna go down. The cops will be called before we leave so that they wont be too far behind just in case something bad happens while we are there. I honestly didnt want to do this. I was so nervous.

Anything could go wrong and with my luck... Scratch that anything would go wrong. The so called 'plan' continued on when I would go to my house to get my things in order to leave for London. Brad would most likely be pissed and try to attack me. That's when the police are supposed (well I hope) show up and take Brad to the lovely place called jail.

"Delilah, are you ok?" My thoughts were interrupted by Louis.

"Yeah Louis just a little worried. What if help doesn't show up in time? What if you get hurt? What if I get hurt? Louis what if he tries to kill you? I cant live without you, you keep me sane. You keep my feet planted on this ground. I cant lose you." I could feel my eyes start to water.

"DELILAH! Babe, listen to me." He slowly walked towards me, cupped my chin in his hands and tilted my head up so that I was looking in his eyes.

"Im not going anywhere and neither are you. I wont let him take you away from me. You are my best friend, my world actually. We have been through hell and back and I am so fucking proud of us. I have seen you at your lowest and I made damn well sure that you got back up and you even more put together than ever. Screw him. Nothing is going to come between us. I love you so much. You can't leave me and I can't leave you. So I promise that I wont leave you as long as you promise me you won't leave me. If we do have to go, we go out with a bang and we go together. Got it?"

"Louis I love you too. Its just that I am worr-." I was cut off.

"DO YOU GOT IT?" Louis screamed but I knew he was trying to make me laugh. He succeeded.

"Yes Louis, I got it. Can we go?"

"Not until you smile your beautiful smile for me."

"Ugh Louis." I whined.

"SMILE DAMMIT." I laughed.

"There we go. I even got a laugh and a real one at that!" He stated.

"You, my good sir are a dick."

"Yes, m'lady that may be true but I am your dick."

I stopped dead in my tracks, looked at Louis and as if we were thinking the same thing, we burst out laughing.


I know shortest chapter in history of all chapters EVER! I am terribly sorry I am just really stuck on what to write. I know the plot and where I want to go with this story I am just stuck on how to put it into words and make it cute at the same time.

Be extremely excited for what is coming up though! HUGE news and it will make you pee. I am so excited for you all to read it when I finally quit reading all the fan fics and actually write my own. I am terrible.

There are some stories that you will absolutely love. If you don't like self-harm or are easily triggered I would not recommend reading these. She is an amazing writer though and she is super funny. Just read these cause you will shit a brick.

Her name is niallers_dirty_mofo just read her stuff cause ER GURD IT IS AMAZING!!!!!

A Kiss on the Wrist:

A Kiss on the Cheek:

Just read it she is an amazing writer.


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