Chapter 5 (Fuck You too)

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We arrived at my house around 5:00pm. Needless to say, I was terrified. As I was stepping out of Louis' car I noticed that it was strangely quiet. How cliché. You arrive and you know that something big is about to happen yet it is so quiet. I guess it's always calm before the storm.

Louis ran to my side immediately and took my hand. I looked up at him looking into his beautiful blue eyes. Looking into them was almost as if you were looking at the sea, so very blue. He looked back at me with concern in his eyes. Today had already had me on edge and I knew if I continued looking at his concerned look I would lose it so I turned my head looking at the house I was finally going to get out of. My mother though, I didn't want her to stay there with him. What if when I was gone she would now be his punching bag?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Louis tugging on my arm and reassuring me that everything would be alright in the end. I hope he is right because if I had to stay here, either Brad was going to end my misery or I was. I couldn't handle it any longer to be honest.

Louis stopped and turned around in front of me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close so I was up against his body. "Delilah Carter Morris, I want to remind you of our deal. If we must go, we go out together. Got it?" He asked.

"Yes Louis, I do but we better not be going anywhere but to London to live. We are making it out of here Louis and I'm going to start a better life living with you and Harry. Also I want in on the sleepovers with you and the boys."

"But.... But..... What if they try something?" Louis asked, sticking his lower lip out as if he was pouting but I knew he was pretending.

"Then they try something. Louis I'm a virgin. I want my v card gone!" I said, smirking.

"Delilah!!!!! That's not something you just throw away for anyone!" He looked surprised I said that and I laughed a little at his weird look he was giving me.

"Lou, Lou bear calm down I was kidding. I know it's not something to just hand out. I know okay? Besides I want to save it for someone special, someone who I know will stay with me for a while."

We were being quite loud actually. Louis got a little protective when I mentioned losing my virginity to just a random man but I really was just joking. I know better than that. Either Brad wasn't home or he was sleeping, honestly hoping it the first option but knowing my chances. It wasn't.

Proven correct on the first option, Brad burst through the front door, looked straight into my eyes and smirked.

"There you are you little bitch. I have been looking for you. You know what happens when you leave me right?"

Just as I was cowering into Louis' side, I hid my face from a hotheaded, Brad stalking ever closer towards me. Louis pushes me behind him and I grabbed the back of his shirt in hopes that this little action would give me a small sliver of comfort, and it did.

I peeked my head out from behind Louis to find Brad's fist flying through the air in Louis' direction and before I knew it, Louis was laying on the ground. Out cold. Brad had hit him on the side of the head as hard as he possibly could and I knew this because he did this often to me. Please don't be dead was all I could think about as I kneeled down beside Louis checking on him.

I had just been able to check Louis' steady pulse as Brad slapped me hard in the face making tears threaten to spill out of my eyes, but they didn't because somehow over the years I had learned that crying was the worst thing to do in this situation. If I had cried Brad usually just punched me harder or cut me pretty deep with his pocket knife.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my horrific step-father taking a chunk of my hair into his hands and pulling me as hard as he could.

"Get up bitch! I can't carry your fatass all the way into the house, forget about your stupid boyfriend and get inside so I can give you your punishment." He said.

"Please, please Brad. I'm sorry!" I choked out.

"Shut the fuck up! You did this to yourself." He glowered down at me as he dragged me inside by my hair. I was looking back at a very conscious Louis. He put one single finger up to his lips signaling me to stay silent. As was told, I did.

Once inside the house Brad let go of my hair but threw me to the ground and delivered one swift kick to my gut. Ouch. He didn't feel satisfied with my reaction I guess as he once again kicked me, this time in the ribs and I could hear the crack. Well shit, there's another doctors visit. Brad wasn't going to let up, he continued to kick me and I could feel my world around me going blurry once again.

'Fuck fuck fuck Delilah you have to stay conscious for Louis. Please don't give up this easily' I thought.

That's all I could do as I felt Brad kneel down on top of me and take out his pocket knife and slashed my stomach deep.

"FUCK YOU BRAD!" I screamed at him before he dug his knife into my side and drug it down the length of my side. The pain was unbearable and I couldn't hold my screams in. My screams finally faded as I could no longer see straight in front of me. That's it. I'm gone. Everything was spinning and I finally gave up. I was dead.

--Louis' POV--

She tried her hardest and all I could do was watch her try. I couldn't move. I couldn't believe what he had done to her.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Brad spit on her and leaned down ever so close to her beautiful face. He whispered something to her but all I caught was "fuck you too bitch" and that's all it took for me to be able to move. She is not a bitch. She's the love of my life and I swear to god if he killed her before I could tell her, I will kill that sick bastard.

I threw my body at Brad. He pummeled to the ground with me on top of him. I quickly sat up straight and picked his head up then I knocked his head on the ground as hard as I possibly could. I did this a few more times before I heard the front door open but that didn't stop me. My fists were quickly connecting with brads face. His nose was beginning to bleed and I could already see his eyes blackening. One last hard blow to his temple and he was knocked unconscious. Good. Sick bastard deserved it for beating my girl up. She is my anchor and I didn't even get the chance to call her mine.

I turned around quickly to find Delilah's mother sitting next to my love gently putting Delilah's head in her lap. She was so beautiful, Delilah, even beaten up. She was like my sun. She was my everything and all I wanted to do was keep her safe. It sucked that I couldn't even do that.

Delilah's mother turned and looked up at me staring down at the both of them.

"I called the police. They are sending people out immediately and also an ambulance." She said.

I kneeled down beside her and propped Delilah's legs up in my lap and rubbed them, hoping maybe in her state now she may feel just the little bit of warmth I was trying to give her.

"Thank you." Delilah said softly before the ambulance quickly took her away from me. My eyes widened in surprise at her conscious state.

Please be okay beautiful.


I am terrible I know but this chapter is filled with a lot of drama. I will maybe be updating a lot more.... Hopefully.

Anyway enjoy and please comment and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2013 ⏰

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