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Eight hours to solve his second puzzle. I gave him less time as he did so well the first round - a little rusty I must admit but he impressed me, made me proud.
I checked up on him during the trainer mystery, we were both acting, once again, the performance of our lives. Jim from I.T and the ignorant man of stone, he played his role well, not one moment did his voice crack. He did however, flinch. His eyes flickered as they met mine, his top lip quivered before he spoke. He broke character and he needed a cover up, so he did what he did best. He deduced me.
No matter how slow time felt, he deduced me within five seconds - new record.
"Gay" he whispered to hide the trail of old memories. I was about to give the usual witty response of, "You too", but Molly interrupted me.
After that meeting I had to contact him again. I put on my second voice and gave him a call during the eight hours. I didn't know what to say when he picked up, well I didn't know what to type, so I gave him a clue.
"Why would you give me a clue?"
Because I needed to talk to him... because I was bored.
"We were made for each other," I typed to him.
He was then eager for me to speak in my voice - I couldn't help but smirk, he always was so eager, however it would have been too soon. Patience.

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